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253 votes
3 answers

Why is gold golden?

Bulk gold has a very characteristic warm yellow shine to it, whereas almost all other metals have a grey or silvery color. Where does this come from? I have heard that this property arises from ...
tschoppi's user avatar
  • 10.9k
240 votes
1 answer

Why can we smell copper?

If I can smell an object, it means that molecules of it are getting separated from it, so they can reach my nose. As far as I know, metals don't sublimate, especially not in room temperature. However, ...
vsz's user avatar
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183 votes
8 answers

Can an atom have more than 8 valence electrons? If not, why is 8 the limit?

According to some chemistry textbooks, the maximum number of valence electrons for an atom is 8, but the reason for this is not explained. So, can an atom have more than 8 valence electrons? If ...
MWt's user avatar
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146 votes
7 answers

Why doesn't water burn?

Hydrogen is flammable, and for any fire to burn it needs oxygen. Why does a compound made of hydrogen and oxygen put out fires instead of catalyzing them? I understand that hydrogen and water are ...
Prageeth Saravanan's user avatar
127 votes
7 answers

Is a negative pH level physically possible?

A friend of mine was looking over the definition of pH and was wondering if it is possible to have a negative pH. From the equation below, it certainly seems mathematically possible—if you have a $1.1$...
apnorton's user avatar
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126 votes
8 answers

Why is absolute zero unattainable?

We were dealing with the Third Law of Thermodynamics in class, and my teacher mentioned something that we found quite fascinating: It is physically impossible to attain a temperature of zero ...
paracetamol's user avatar
  • 18.8k
114 votes
1 answer

Is there a general consensus on the causes of the alpha-effect?

There have been various explanations posited for the α-effect. The α-effect refers to a phenomenon wherein nucleophiles with lone pairs on atoms adjacent (i.e., in the α- position) to the atom bearing ...
Greg E.'s user avatar
  • 11.9k
111 votes
5 answers

How do you melt metals with super high melting points?

At the Renaissance fair a few years back I was watching a smith forge metal into shapes. During this time a very odd question came to me. I was wondering what the furnace was made of. My logic stated ...
Griffin's user avatar
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103 votes
7 answers

Is it actually possible to dispose of a body with hydrofluoric acid?

In the TV show "Breaking Bad", Walter White frequently gets rid of people who get in his way by submerging them in a plastic container full of hydrofluoric acid. This, at least in the TV show, ...
user avatar
101 votes
7 answers

Why is the 2s orbital lower in energy than the 2p orbital when the electrons in 2s are usually farther from the nucleus?

My chemistry book explains that even though electrons in the $\mathrm{2p}$ orbital are closer to the nucleus on average, electrons from the $\mathrm{2s}$ orbital spend a very short time very close to ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
99 votes
2 answers

What is Bent's rule?

I'm all bent out of shape trying to figure out what Bent's rule means. I have several formulations of it, and the most common formulation is also the hardest to understand. Atomic s character ...
Dissenter's user avatar
  • 19.2k
97 votes
7 answers

Is toothpaste solid or liquid?

My teacher didn't answer this properly: Is toothpaste solid or liquid? You can't say toothpaste is a solid because solid material have a fixed shape but toothpaste doesn't. However, you can't say ...
Simon-Nail-It's user avatar
88 votes
5 answers

Does water really 'go bad' after a couple of days?

Among my friends it is a sort of 'common wisdom' that you should throw away water after a couple of days if it was taken from the tap and stored in a bottle outside the fridge, because it has 'gone ...
Michiel's user avatar
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87 votes
5 answers

Is it true that heavy water is not blue?

I believe I saw this claim somewhere on the internet a long time ago. Specifically, it was claimed that the difference could be observed by filling one long, straight tube with light water and one ...
Brian's user avatar
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86 votes
3 answers

If nothing sticks to Teflon, how does Teflon stick to frying pans?

The most notable characteristic of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, DuPont's Teflon) is that nothing sticks to it. This complete inertness is attributed to the fluorine atoms completely shielding the ...
user avatar
83 votes
7 answers

Do all salts taste salty?

Recently, I am learning the production of soluble and insoluble salts. My friend and I have done this experiment at the school lab. We wanted to taste them to see whether they are salty are not. The ...
Simon-Nail-It's user avatar
83 votes
1 answer

What causes the old book smell?

I have a collection of old books (all 80+ years old), recently, I received a British Chemistry text from 1903 (intro page below) - this being the oldest book of my collection (112 years old at the ...
user avatar
81 votes
4 answers

Bonding in diatomic C2, a carbon-carbon quadruple bond?

Carbon is well known to form single, double, and triple $\ce{C-C}$ bonds in compounds. There is a recent report (2012) that carbon forms a quadruple bond in diatomic carbon, $\ce{C2}$. The excerpt ...
Janice DelMar's user avatar
79 votes
7 answers

Ortho-effect in substituted aromatic acids and bases

When comparing o,m,p-toluidine basicities, the ortho effect is believed to explain why o-toluidine is weaker. But when comparing o,m,p-toluic acid basicities, the ortho effect is stated as a reason ...
user4114's user avatar
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78 votes
3 answers

Why is it wrong to use the concept of hybridization for transition metal complexes?

I have asked a lot of questions on coordination chemistry here before and I have gone through a lot others here as well. Students, including me, attempt to answer those questions using the concept of ...
Arishta's user avatar
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77 votes
6 answers

Why would breathing pure oxygen be a bad idea?

My textbook mentions that SCUBA tanks often contain a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen along with a little helium which serves as a diluent. Now as I remember it, divers take care not to surface too ...
paracetamol's user avatar
  • 18.8k
76 votes
5 answers

How do people know HCN smells like almonds?

I was told by my chemistry teacher that $\ce{HCN}$ smells like almonds. She then went on to tell a story about how some of her students tried to play a prank on her by pouring almond extract down the ...
vandal11's user avatar
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75 votes
3 answers

Could a magnet pull oxygen out of the air?

I read that the $\ce{O2}$ molecule is paramagnetic, so I'm wondering: could a strong magnet pull the $\ce{O2}$ to one part of a room – enough to cause breathing problems for the organisms in the room? ...
Rob N's user avatar
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74 votes
3 answers

How do organic chemistry mechanisms become accepted?

Now I have been learning chemistry for five years. I remember when I started organic chemistry, it was fun to draw arrows between molecules to show, as if in a mathematical demonstration, how the ...
ParaH2's user avatar
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72 votes
4 answers

Why do elements in columns 6 and 11 assume 'abnormal' electron configurations?

When I look around for why copper and chromium only have one electron in their outermost s orbital and 5/10 in their outermost d orbital, I'm bombarded with the fact that they are more stable with a ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
70 votes
4 answers

How does Walter White make pure crystal meth using a non-stereospecific reaction?

In the highly-rated TV series, Breaking Bad, Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher recently diagnosed with cancer, takes to making the illicit drug, crystal meth (methamphetamine), by two main ...
matt_black's user avatar
  • 37.8k
70 votes
1 answer

Why does F replace the axial bond in PCl5?

Why does $\ce{F}$ replace an axial bond in $\ce{PCl5}$? I realize that it would be more stable there than at equatorial bond, but what is the reason of its stability? Similarly in $\ce{AB4}$ type of ...
Shubham's user avatar
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68 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't H₄O²⁺ exist?

I know this question has been asked previously but I cannot find a satisfactory explanation as to why is it so difficult for $\ce{H4O^2+}$ to exist. There are explanations that it is so because of $+2$...
Sanom Dane's user avatar
68 votes
8 answers

Is iron in the brown ring compound in a +1 oxidation state?

In the standard brown ring test for the nitrate ion, the brown ring complex is: $$\ce{[Fe(H2O)5(NO)]^{2+}}$$ In this compound, the nitrosyl ligand is positively charged, and iron is in a $+1$ ...
ManishEarth's user avatar
  • 15.3k
66 votes
9 answers

Why do compounds like SF6 and SF4 exist but SH6 and SH4 don't?

Both $\ce{SF6}$ and $\ce{SH6}$ and $\ce{SF4}$ and $\ce{SH4}$ have the same central atom and the same hybridization, but my teacher specifically mentioned that $\ce{SH6}$ and $\ce{SH4}$ don't exist. I'...
sayantankhan's user avatar
64 votes
7 answers

Positive or Negative Anode/Cathode in Electrolytic/Galvanic Cell

In a galvanic (voltaic) cell, the anode is considered negative and the cathode is considered positive. This seems reasonable as the anode is the source of electrons and cathode is where the electrons ...
1110101001's user avatar
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64 votes
4 answers

How can one explain niobium’s weird electronic configuration?

As cited in an answer to this question, the ground state electronic configuration of niobium is: $\ce{Nb: [Kr] 5s^1 4d^4}$ Why is that so? What factors stabilize this configuration, compared to ...
F'x's user avatar
  • 23.9k
64 votes
3 answers

Why does pasta really boil over?

I was making pasta, and I noticed the pasta boiling over. I thought about it some more, and I realized I had no idea why this was happening. When the lid is on, the foam rises. When the lid is off, ...
Jeremy Kemball's user avatar
63 votes
1 answer

Why does shaking a match put the fire out?

Move a match slowly and nothing happens but if you shake it violently the fire will extinguish. Oxygen makes fire grow so why does waving a flame through the oxygen rich air put the fire out? Does ...
carb0nshel1's user avatar
61 votes
6 answers

Why is FORTRAN so commonly used in computational chemistry?

I've been using Ruby to write scripts for research, but I want to get into some heavier stuff that Ruby is just too slow for. I noticed there are a few things written in C and C++, but there is an ...
Melanie Shebel's user avatar
61 votes
2 answers

Striking examples where Kohn-Sham orbitals clearly have no physical meaning

In Density Functional Theory courses, one is often reminded that Kohn-Sham orbitals are often said to bear no any physical meaning. They only represent a noninteracting reference system which has the ...
F'x's user avatar
  • 23.9k
60 votes
4 answers

Why add water first then acid?

From school, I remember a very important rule: first you need to pour the water and then the acid (when you need to mix them) not vice-versa. This is because otherwise the aсid becomes very hot and ...
pmod's user avatar
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60 votes
4 answers

Are diamonds really forever?

Common saying. Diamond possesses: ultra hardness, (10 on the Mohs scale; 10000 HV on Vicker's Hard Test (iron merely 30-80)) hyper thermal conductivity, ($2320~\mathrm{W\, m^{-1}\, K^{-1}}$, or over ...
HyperLuminal's user avatar
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59 votes
4 answers

Why do shampoo ingredient labels feature the term "Aqua"?

I keep seeing the term "Aqua" in the ingredient labels on several shampoo varieties, but I really don't see why it should be there in the first place. I mean, if the manufacturers just wanted to say ...
paracetamol's user avatar
  • 18.8k
57 votes
4 answers

Why is it important to use a salt bridge in a voltaic cell? Can a wire be used?

I was learning about voltaic cells and came across salt bridges. If the purpose of the salt bridge is only to move electrons from an electrolyte solution to the other, then why can I not use a wire? ...
Peeyush Kushwaha's user avatar
57 votes
6 answers

The last element's atomic number

I was just thinking what can be the last atomic number that can exist within the range of permissible radioactivity limit and considering all other factors in quantum physics and chemical factors.
Devgeet Patel's user avatar
56 votes
3 answers

Why do we write NH3?

We've learnt that the electropositive element is written first. Then why is ammonia written as $\ce{NH3}$ ?
Soham's user avatar
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56 votes
5 answers

How can antibonding orbitals be more antibonding than bonding orbitals are bonding?

In molecular orbital theory, the fact that a bonding and antibonding molecular orbital pair have different energies is accompanied by the fact that the energy by which the bonding is lowered is less ...
stochastic13's user avatar
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55 votes
4 answers

Is carbon dioxide organic or inorganic?

Today in chemistry class we were discussing Organic Chemistry. We discussed what organic compounds basically are and then I asked the teacher whether $\ce{CO_2}$ is organic or not. She told that it is ...
Devarsh Ruparelia's user avatar
55 votes
2 answers

Why don't we explode after drinking water?

It is known that acid should be added to water and not the opposite because it results in an exothermic reaction. Our stomach contains HCl, so why don't we explode when we drink water?
Ram Keswani's user avatar
55 votes
4 answers

How do I figure out the hybridization of a particular atom in a molecule?

I'm learning how to apply the VSEPR theory to Lewis structures and in my homework, I'm being asked to provide the hybridization of the central atom in each Lewis structure I've drawn. I've drawn out ...
Melanie Shebel's user avatar
55 votes
2 answers

What makes some metals melt at higher temperature?

I'm looking at the melting temperature of metallic elements, and notice that the metals with high melting temperature are all grouped in some lower-left corner of the $\mathrm{d}$-block. If I take for ...
F'x's user avatar
  • 23.9k
54 votes
6 answers

Is there any substance that's a 4-4-4 on the NFPA diamond?

A lot of the organometallics are rather... interesting compounds to work with. The most famous (among those who care, anyway) is tert-butyllithium or t-BuLi. It is the textbook example of a pyrophoric ...
KeithS's user avatar
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54 votes
3 answers

What is the reason for the exceptional stability of the cyclopropylmethyl carbocation?

Can someone explain this to me by drawing resonance structures for the cyclopropylmethyl carbocation please? Also one more question, is the tricyclopropylmethyl carbocation more stable than tropylium ...
Shubham's user avatar
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54 votes
2 answers

What is the pH of ice?

The pH of pure liquid water depends on temperature. It is about pH = 7.0 at room temperature, pH = 6.1 at 100 °C, and pH = 7.5 at 0 °C. What happens to the pH (or to the ion product) of pure water ...
Horatio's user avatar
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