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Questions tagged [applied-chemistry]

Chemical processes and theories being used in practical and experimental applications.

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Can cyclopentylmethyl ether replace the use of methyl tert-butyl ether as an octane improvement additive

Can the replacement of methyl tert-butyl ether as an octane enhancer with cyclopentyl methyl ether be a better choice as a more eco friendly solution?
Kevin's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why don't we ever hear about potassium pollution from fertilizer runoff?

News articles are constantly droning on about algael blooms, dead zones and such from excessive agricultural NPK fertilizer usage... Yet, we never hear of excessive potassium causing a problem... Why? ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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Replacing calcium acetate with sodium polyacrylate for homemade Sterno?

I was researching making canned heat using denatured(ethyl) alcohol, water, and calcium acetate from scratch. However, it occured to me that sodium polyacrylate also absorbs water and alcohol and is ...
0x6869's user avatar
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Disproportionation reactions

Are there any examples of a disproportionation reaction being harnessed to do useful electrical work? It is of course possible in a comproportionation reactions, such as a lead-acid cell.
Bill Harrison's user avatar
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Can I Detect Hydroxyl Radicals Using Methylene Blue Spectrophotometry?

I am going to be pulsing radiation into a chamber containing a solution of water and both ferric and ferrous iron. The irradiation event should cause a Fenton reaction to ensue and I'd like to trap ...
Bon's user avatar
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6 votes
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Whatever happened to the use of perfluoroalkanes as breathable liquids or blood substitutes?

Some liquid perfluoroalkanes have very high solubilities and carrying capacities for gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide. In the 1980s and 1990s there were experiments showing that animals could &...
matt_black's user avatar
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How does the heat-activated blowing agent in foaming plastic filament survive the manufacturing process?

Special 3D printer filaments are available with blowing agents mixed in. These blowing agents cause the filament to foam as it is extruded, causing the resulting structure to have a much lower density....
Kenn Sebesta's user avatar
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How to achieve highest CO2 pressure from acetic acid + sodium bicarbonate reaction?

I'm planning to make a high-end vinegar + baking soda rocket and started doing some researches for the best ratio of the reagents's concentrations to achieve maximum pressure. Furthermore, I know that ...
Victor's user avatar
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Chemistry project on hand warmers: Salt hydrates

Currently I am working on a chemistry project about hand warmers. My goal is to find a salt hydrate which gets warmer than sodium acetate trihydrate and can supercool. I already bought magnesium ...
Karl Kramm's user avatar
-2 votes
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Usage of thermobaric explosives to combat forest fires [closed]

This is a general question but in a thermobaric explosion I know the bomb uses all the present oxygen in the reaction. Could you please give an example of one of these reactions? Even if it isn't ...
Aakarsh's user avatar
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How to draw delayed picture on the concrete wall?

I have a concrete (stone) vertical wall. I want to put a picture on it. I have several limitations: I want to make it in a security, so I want to place something on the wall, that would be ...
bion anon's user avatar
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Parameters of NaHCO3 + citric acid + H2O + NaCl mixture potentially impacting functional efficacy in pest control application?

I have been searching for infomation on this application, but have some specific questions that I have not seen directly addressed in the Google/Stack Exchange posts I've come across thus far; below ...
Arctiic's user avatar
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Can stainless steel be electrically insulated with (oven-dried) Sodium Silicate Solution?

Can I electrically insulate stainless steel by painting Sodium Silicate solution on it and heating it to 200C for 30min or so? The solution should be conductive, and I've been told (to be verified) ...
Hans's user avatar
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How is it decided that a particular chemical or compound is useful for a very specific purpose? [closed]

In textbooks, I often find extremely specific uses of chemicals. Is chemistry research mostly focused towards finding specific use cases? For example, I know that boric acid kills snails. How do ...
Tanisha Daharwal's user avatar
7 votes
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How does (E)CA glue ("super glue", "crazy glue", etc.) cure?

I use CA glue† very frequently in my shop, but I'm not entirely sure how it works. I've noticed three main modes of curing, I've emphasized the key observations: When dispensed, it will remain fluid ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Purging submersible with nitrogen

I do a lot of short term ocean field deployments where system electronics are self contained in a submersible enclosure. A new project I'm working on requires a long term deployment in the deep ocean. ...
ThatsRightJack's user avatar
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Food-grade antifungal preservatives for alcohol-containing aqueous non-food product that won't UV-yellow when dried?

I need a broad-spectrum antifungal (yeast and mold) agent for an aqueous non-food product (pH $\simeq$ 6) that contains 20% v/v alcohol (ethanol or isopropanol). A key requirement is that it not UV-...
theorist's user avatar
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Is mixing silicone oil with other types of oil safe?

I'm looking to lubricate some nylon gears in a servo motor, and online sources tell me silicone lubricants are one of the best ways to go. However, when I opened up the servo, I found that it already ...
Aloha's user avatar
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Steel Wire Rusting & Glowing Orange

In my backyard I have a DIY wire trellis made in part by wrapping a steel wire around a water wellhead. I noticed out the window in the dark a tiny pinprick of orange / yellow light coming from the ...
fedora's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Significance of enthalpy of hydration of salts [closed]

I've been researching for weeks but can't find anything on a real life process of hydration, as my experiment is determining the relationship between the enthalpy of hydration and different types of ...
abd.shd_247's user avatar
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Carbohydrate Chemistry for Candy Making

I am trying to understand the different behaviors of sugar syrups when it comes to candy making. Specifically, maple syrup vs molasses. In making maple candy, pure maple syrup is heated to soft ball ...
JProblems's user avatar
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Research-backed articles on cast iron seasoning

I've always seasoned my cast iron pans with vegetable oil because that was what I was taught. I'd done some research before, and even came across this StackExchange post on asking the best oil for the ...
Subhasish Mukherjee's user avatar
-3 votes
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What does 1:4 t-BuOH/H2O mean?

I've got a - probably rather not-so-smart question regarding chemical reactions. In many publications, the authors say that they used e.g. t-BuOH/H2O (1:4) as solvent. What exactly does 1:4 mean? Is ...
Jak's user avatar
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Is sodium percarbonate the safest and by weight the most efficient oxygen generator? [closed]

I have been reading about $\ce{Mn}$-catalyzed reaction of sodium percarbonate and water to produce gaseous oxygen in medical emergency situations. This seems safe due to its reagents and products, ...
Domi's user avatar
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How to oxidize tantalum? [closed]

I am interested in learning how to oxidize tantalum. I have seen some tantalum rings that the sellers say is a permanent smokey blackish color. But I've spoken to some people that say tantalum cannot ...
JRYATES's user avatar
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Synthetic ruby - damaged by heat less than its melting point?

A bit of a jewellery question but chemistry related. I want to encase a synthetic ruby (corundum, Al2O3) in silver by melting the silver around it. Either in a furnace or by casting. The MP of silver ...
Dirk Bruere's user avatar
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What substance consumes oxygen from atmospheric air [closed]

I'd like to find an economical substance that will consume oxygen from a container. Steel wool comes to mind but I don't have an intuition how feasible it would be. The chamber is 5 gallons in size ...
abh's user avatar
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Artificial nose sensors

I'm am doing research in creating an artificial nose. I need to know how this process works by someone with domain expertise; essentially, what technologies are available currently to detect a broader ...
travis haycock's user avatar
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distillation of aqueous CAN solution for the purpose of a reversible and strong endothermic reaction in cool packs

I know calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) is used for cold packs. By bending a small metal plate the salt gets dissolved in water (separated pack) and this process is endothermic. I would like to heat ...
laminin's user avatar
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Why can we still breathe in valleys? [duplicate]

Air is 1% argon. Argon is heavier than air. Why doesn't the argon concentrate in low-lying areas, choking out life there?
Stack Tracer's user avatar
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Good Alternative for Plasticized PVC [closed]

In my current job we use gloveboxes, but unlike most we use disposable PVC bags on the entry ports instead of fixed gloves. The bags have an O ring which is stretched onto a spigot proud of the ...
Snr Srub's user avatar
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Why was rhenium used as an igniter in flash bulbs?

It looks like it typically had a current passed though it to ignite zirconium threads. What properties of rhenium made it the best metal to use for this?
bigjosh's user avatar
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Why is antimony oxide used as a flame retardant?

What is the mechanism of action of antimony oxide as a flame retardant? Is this to do with radical absorption?
GingerBadger's user avatar
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Determination of hardness of water using EDTA

Finding hardness of water by using EDTA. For determining permanent hardness we take the sample of about $\pu{50 mL}$ and then add Eriochrome Black T (EBT) indicator that results in wine red color due ...
Doraemon's user avatar
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Why is paper sometimes yellow?

Where I'm from, most paper you find/get at stores has this yellowish tinge. Why is it yellow and not white? In my chemistry book it's mentioned that paper manufacturers "refine" paper from wood pulp, ...
user55439's user avatar
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How to calculate resulting pH of mixing 2 fruit juices [closed]

I want to make jelly from a mixture of 50% fresh apple juice and 50% juice of another fruit. The resulting pH must be less than 4.6, otherwise the jelly will not be safe from C. botulinum. Based on ...
SarahT's user avatar
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Using quantiative analysis to find empirical and molecular formula

A compound of Ca, C, N and S was subjected to quantitative analysis and formula mass determination, and the following data were recorded. A $\pu{0.250 g}$ sample was mixed with $\ce{Na2CO3}$ to ...
cambelot's user avatar
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How can I make a better whiteboard cleaning solution?

I just started work as a lab assistant in a chem lab. The whiteboard the instructor uses for classes gets very dirty very quickly. The woman who started at the same time as I did spent over 3 hours ...
jamesson's user avatar
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How to determine fire hazard of heating ethylene glycol to dissolve borax and boric acid

I am looking to replicate instructions provided in the last paragrph of this article that requires dissolving borax (Sodium Tetraborate decahydrate ($\ce{Na2B4O7·10H2O}$)) and boric acid in ethylene ...
Flint's user avatar
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17 votes
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Are there any significant uses of the compound formed by magnesium and anthracene?

In an unusual reaction, magnesium reacts with anthracene in THF to form a grignard-like compound called, prosaically, magnesium anthracene: I remember using it briefly in the 1980s. At the time there ...
matt_black's user avatar
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Does selenium sulfate corrode or otherwise react with metals?

I was just watching a cartoon called Motorcity, and they featured a real compound called selenium sulfate. While I'm sure that the compound blowing up a detached steel [car part] on contact is just ...
Rezilia's user avatar
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Is it possible to make Spider-Man like web fluid? [closed]

Is it possible to make a substance which has similar properties to that of the web fluid e.g. High tensile strength, sticky (can attach to most of the surfaces), evaporates within few hours etc. If so ...
Ananyo Bhattacharya 's user avatar
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Bonding Carbon Fiber to Metal

I have an application for a very thin, strong, electrical conductor that need to act as a (almost) frictionless support "rope". Typically materials like tungsten wire or platinum-iridium alloys have ...
Dirk Bruere's user avatar
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Boron nitride polymerization with silicon based molecules

Since boron nitride is similar to carbon hexagonal structures and silicon is a main component of inorganic polymers. Is it possible to make it from a polymer under certain conditions, if so what ...
Angel c's user avatar
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Baking soda + oil solubility

I have a question regarding the solubility of baking soda (bicarb soda) in oil. I am pretty sure that it has poor solubility, but I have a chemistry dilemma and cannot seem to solve it. I make all-...
Ess Elle's user avatar
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Where is my antimony going?

I work in a trace metals laboratory operating an ICP-OES. I've been having some trouble with the recovery of antimony in a weak $\ce{HCl}$ solution post-digestion. The antimony is part of a mix of ...
Max Power's user avatar
12 votes
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Can olivine be used to make glass?

This concerns ongoing work to find a plausible approach to large-scale production of clear glass on the Moon. It's for an ultra-hard science fiction project and I really want to get it right. Olivine ...
kim holder's user avatar
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Calculating amount of alkali additions to get desired pH in (hard) cider

This is linked to my question over on the HomeBrew SE site: I haven't done chemistry since I was 17/18 but I remember ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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What can be a harmless electrolytic additive for water for creating an oxy-hydrogen flame?

I was thinking of preparing a tiny oxy-hydrogen flame for soldering. I am going to use 6V DC and aluminum sheet as the electrode for this. Now, I have to add some electrolyte to water, that can be a ...
Dwiparna Datta's user avatar
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Can glass be made with anorthite?

The lunar highlands are made mostly of anorthosite (90% anorthite, the rest oxides of magnesium, iron, a little titanium, and traces of others), and pretty pure anorthite ($\ce{CaAl2Si2O8}$) is common....
kim holder's user avatar