In my current job we use gloveboxes, but unlike most we use disposable PVC bags on the entry ports instead of fixed gloves. The bags have an O ring which is stretched onto a spigot proud of the porthole and are then clamped into place. They get disposed of and replaced after every use.
^ Like this but our glovebox is permanent ^
The problem with the PVC bags is that they are releasing hydrogen chloride. I'm in a team investigating a replacement material; however none of us are chemists or material scientists!
The material needs to be able to fit over 6” and/or 10" spigots, allow hydrogen to pass, and contain no halides.
So far we have considered using HDPE + plasticizer, and are trying to find a way to make it, although we are not sure it will work until we try it. We have also looked into using polyester, but we couldn’t find a clear and stretchy version.