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Ascorbic acid disolved in carbonated water

I pour 1 gram of ascorbic acid (a white powder sold by the kilogram as food-grade thus hopefully dextrorotatory) at 25°C (it's hot in Paris) into a 1 liter bottle of carbonated water at 6°C (drinking-...
fgrieu's user avatar
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Why is the Molar mass of CO2 different than the weight of the sum of its particles?

The Molar mass of CO2 is stated to be 44.009 grams per mol But in a calculation of the weight of each atom's particles((Electrons,Protons,Neutrons) times Avogadro's constant I get 44.36 grams per mol ...
physicsnewbie's user avatar
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Mechanism of adhesion of particles on solid surfaces [closed]

What is the mechanism of adhesion of particles on solid surfaces? How does anything stick to anything, for that matter? Why does cigarette smoke stay so stubbornly on our bodies? Why does perfume also ...
damacc's user avatar
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Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry [closed]

How is Artificial Intelligence impacting the design and discovery of new compounds and medications? Given the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning methodologies over the ...
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-3 votes
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If Qc> Kc how can forward reaction can take place

If Qc>Kc then there will be a net backward reaction but still forward reaction will take place. My problem is if Qc>Kc forward reaction will become non spontaneous right. So how can that happen, ...
Zayden's user avatar
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What if kc=1 will reactants concentration equals to product concentration [closed]

I read a book, it says if kc=1 it mean reactant concentration equals to product concentration at equilibrium. But I'm wondering that in kc expression we dont just use concentration of an element we ...
Zayden's user avatar
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Ethylene Glycol in Wall Primer [closed]

No scientific background here! Due to a chemical sensitivity, and general concern for healthier indoor air quality in a home I am renovating, I opted to choose "greener" alternatives in ...
Violetta Sur's user avatar
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Experiment to crush soda can by air pressure

You put a can with water at its base on a hot plate and allow the water to heat. Once steam is visible from the opening on top of the can, you quickly flip the can upside down into a bowl of water ...
Baba Booey's user avatar
-2 votes
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Hund’s Rule - Please help explain below using Hunds rule? [closed]

Why is it easier to excite a 2s electron in a carbon atom to a 2p orbital than it would be to do the same in nitrogen?
Röss Lynch's user avatar
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Table of viscosity of water vs temperature

Above is the table for water physical properties table with temperature related with a,v,b,Pr,Ra factor. This table has temperature only from 0 to 100. May I ask if there is a full table for this with ...
catherine tan's user avatar
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Can gases float on each other?

So I want to know do gases have the same concept as water and oil ? Like if I put some hydrogen and helium in a room with 0% air will they float on each other like the hydrogen go down and the helium ...
someone alive's user avatar
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Dry ice sublimation rate in water

As I got some a finger sized of dry ice in water, it started to bubble vigorously as expected and gave off a lot of smoke. But after 3 minutes or so, the rate of sublimation seems to slow down a lot, ...
ozhexun's user avatar
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What is the difference between mole and molar mass?

In my book it says 1 mole of carbon =1gram atom of carbon =12 gram if I see this relation that seems to me that 1 mole is mass of an atom In grams. But molar mass is different and why we use for ...
Remy's user avatar
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How do we know orbitals of atoms and elements exist? [duplicate]

How would we know if we have never experimentally seen them?
Abhinav Rao's user avatar
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What spectrum of light does penetrate fog?

I am wondering about what spectrum of light does penetrate fog the best. I would like to know if IR light penetrate fog better than UV light and why is that. Thank you for answers.
Le_Peck's user avatar
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Help with two containers problem, Xenon

In two containers we have Xenon. The volume of the first container is 2780 L, temperature is 300 degree Celsius, and n = 200 mol. Volume of the second container is 4000 L, temperature is 1300 degrees ...
user33683's user avatar
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How is lapping slurry made?

I've recently gained an interest in the whole topic of lapping and the creation of flat surfaces. Lapping is done in different ways, but the one I'm interested in is essentially just rubbing 2 ...
TrisT's user avatar
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real meaning of osmotic and turgor pressures

I am a high school student and I am very confused in how we define osmotic pressure? Osmotic pressure is defined as the pressure required to stop the diffusion of solvent into a solution by applying ...
Arun Bhardwaj's user avatar
-2 votes
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What is the essence of chemistry? [closed]

I am an engineering student who loves physics but didn't quite enjoy chemistry. a. When I was in high school chemistry to me was something not as inspiring as physics but in which I couldn't solve ...
abouttostart's user avatar
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Need reactants for a rocket [closed]

I am doing a project in chemistry at the moment to build a rocket out of materials that can be easily bought and that react strongly to create thrust. I was wondering if anyone knew a good chemical ...
William.'s user avatar
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How does heat transfer between molecules happen in deep?

Inside the container is cold water and outside the container is hot water. B is the microscopic view of container walls .W is water And A is hot water. What I have shown is the microscopic view of ...
Srijan's user avatar
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Calculating numbers of moles at equilibrium given the volume of mixture and initial concentration of reactants [closed]

The equilibrium between three substances, A, B and C Is shown below. $$\ce{A(g) + B(g) <=> C(g)}$$ Initially there were $\pu{0.1 mol}$ of A and $\pu{0.2 mol}$ of B in the reaction mixture. A and ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Difference between liquid and solid stearic acid

I had some stearic acid in solid pellet format. It is slippy and in white color. I used this to make some experiments. I recently notice that some manufacturer can supply liquid stearic acid. I ...
Alfred Cheng's user avatar
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Reaction of sulphur with calcium carbonate

Can sulphur react with calcium carbonate to form sulphur trioxide and calcium carbide, as the energy of 3(S=O) is greater than ((C=O) +2(C-O))? EDIT: i forgot to say that this is in an oxygen-free ...
klj 1's user avatar
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Are there any gases that can not be turned into liquid, or liquids that can not be frozen solid?

My son points out that some solids can not be melted (because they combust, for example). He wonders if there are any liquids that can not be frozen, or gases that can not be liquified.
Michael Stern's user avatar
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What kind of chemical reaction happens when combining Tahini and Date syrup?

While both Tahini and Date syrup are quite thin, when mixed together they form a paste-like substance that is very delicious, and quite thick. But what kind of chemical reaction leads to such sudden ...
Ali Parsai's user avatar
-1 votes
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How does energy and speed affect sub-atomic particles (protons, neutrons, electrons) in an electric field [closed]

(Source: I am having trouble understanding the problem above. Why does it matter if the particles are held at constant energy or speed? How does ...
user78822's user avatar
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Electrolytes are ionic compounds that conduct electricity [closed]

Electrolytes are ionic compounds that conduct electricity, or the flow of charged particles, when dissolved in water. This occurs via the separated ions acting as those charged particles, or charge ...
user avatar
6 votes
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Scientific Reason for Salt Solution Gaining Volume

A little background to this question: my mom placed a glass with salt and enough water to just cover the salt in a room to "absorb negative energy" out of the room at her office. It obviously "worked"....
Kendall's user avatar
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What are we seeing in this AC salt-water copper-wire experiment?

There's a highly watched video on YouTube by "ElectroBoom" on the effects of passing AC (not DC) current through salt water. The water gets cloudy and at the end of the video we can see one of the ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
7 votes
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Are electronic descalers a scam?

It seems there are some electronic kits sold around nowadays by major retailers (e.g., Home Depot and Amazon) claimed to remove built-up scale from water pipes. But, do they actually work? If so, ...
ManRow's user avatar
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Can a substance be extracted from solution by adding another substance with a higher solubility?

Suppose that I have a substance X dissolved in water. I then add a substance Y to the solution. Substance Y has a higher solubility in water than substance X, and more than enough of substance Y is ...
user73910's user avatar
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what is the exact meaning of oxidation state? [duplicate]

can you mention the concept of oxidation state without its simple definition i-e it is the apparent charge +ve or -ve.....😪 I found these in wikipedia but didn't understand."Conceptually, the ...
yaseen wazir's user avatar
-4 votes
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I need some help on this Chemistry question can any one help please!! I need to find the cost of a single atom of aluminum [closed]

A 75 ft2 roll of aluminum foil costs $3.79. A 12"x12" pieces has a mass of 1.0 g. How much does a single atom of aluminum cost, in dollars? i need to show all my work i am so lost.
user70703's user avatar
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Celsius to Kelvin [closed]

A temperature conversion question asks the following: "The temperature of a sample of a substance changes from 10°C to 20°C. How many Kelvin degrees does the temperature change?" The correct answer ...
J. Miller's user avatar
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Why does the liquid in an Oralmedic stick flow uphill after I turn it upside-down?

I was experimenting with an Oralmedic stick, which is basically a cotton swab with a hollow stick that has liquid medicine inside, and observed something very unexpected. I followed the usage ...
Op.Kemal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Turning Soda Glass into Lead Glass and Fused Silica [closed]

What would be the method of turning Soda Lime Glass into: A. Lead Glass B. Fused Silica Soda Lime Glass is $\ce{SiO2}$ ~70%. Lead Glass is $\ce{SiO2}$ ~ 62.9%. Fused Silica is $\ce{SiO2}$ ~ 99.9%. ...
Johan88's user avatar
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More effective fire extinguisher liquid than water

I join robot fire fighting contest. One of the mission is to extinguish candle by spraying it with liquid (water is default option). For spray mechanism I use pump with Venturi effect principle. Is ...
Achmad Fathoni's user avatar
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Question about the Law of Definite Proportions

If we know that: $1g$ of carbon + $1.33g$ of oxygen = carbon monoxide $1g$ of carbon + $2.66g$ of oxygen = carbon dioxide My question is: why is that in the second case where we doubled the amount ...
Goncalo Fonseca's user avatar
15 votes
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Le Chatelier's principle: Are there any exceptions?

The way Le Chatelier's principle is presented in most introductory chemistry books (high-school) is as though it's an indisputable law of the physical world (in the sense that we're never shown an ...
paracetamol's user avatar
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The coldest (the most endothermic) reaction [closed]

What chemicals can you mix that causes the coldest (the most endothermic) reaction on a $\pu{kJ /kg}$ basis?
ShaneS's user avatar
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Why are regular plastic bags not smell-proof?

Due to the wide use of plastic bags as containers for almost everything in everyday life, I naturally use them to wrap and hold dirty diapers as a temporary stop before getting to throw them in the ...
Don_S's user avatar
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What pulls the electrons from iron in rust formation?

In the first step of formation of rust in iron, there is something that pulls electrons from the iron lattice, resulting in the formation of $\ce{Fe^{2+}}$. The reaction is: $\ce{Fe -> Fe^{2+} + ...
Henrique Rigitano's user avatar
17 votes
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How does WD-40 remove rust?

One of the often-touted uses of WD-40 is that it "dissolves rust". The official website states that WD-40 "breaks down the bonds between metal and rust". I can't understand how this would work, since ...
Maarten's user avatar
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Decomposition through thermolysis, electrolysis, photolysis [closed]

What decides whether a compound will dissociate (break-up) under thermal decomposition or photolysis or electrolysis i.e if I am provided with a compound and I'm asked to dissociate it then how will I ...
user46000's user avatar
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Which of the following represents the steps needed to produce crystals from a solution?

From a solution of zinc sulfate, we have excess zinc in a solution and need to form pure crystals. Possible methods: A- Filter, concentrate the solution, evaporate to crystallization point. B- ...
user41793's user avatar
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Function of water and the need of two barrels in a biogas Generator

For my chemistry assignment, I have to build a biogas generator. I found the following diagram, This is the website that the image is from:
jenboo12138's user avatar
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Does saltwater damage electronics?

newbie here. I'm asking a question that is related to hygrometer calibration. I read in sensitive digital hygrometers, it is stated that saltwater test should not be used to calibrate as it will ...
dtjokro's user avatar
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Can we chemically characterize a flame? [closed]

Can we chemically characterize a flame ? Recently, while I was lighting a candle, I came across this question; can we find out the chemical composition of a particular flame? If yes then how? In ...
Nitro phenol's user avatar
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What happens if I increase the amount of water on water based epoxies?

I am using a water based epoxy coating that is composed of a resin and a hardener. There is a specific amount of proportion to use to obtain the optimum cured coating. But I am trying to introduce ...
Anissa05's user avatar