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-2 votes
2 answers

Are mixtures of finely ground solid fertilizer compounds stable? [closed]

If I had a combination of the following as finely ground powders, would it be relatively stable, or would they react to form other compounds? Sodium Nitrate Ammonium Nitrate Calcium Nitrate Potassium ...
quesoburguesa's user avatar
3 votes
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Is a diluted aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite more stable than a concentrated solution, all else being equal?

On the Clorox website, they recommend that you dilute bleach (NaOCl) in water prior to use for disinfection. They say that you should make a fresh solution each time you need to use it, adding: “Don’t ...
zunojeef's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Peak in beer freezing temperature plot

I left an open beer in the freezer while monitoring its temperature. The first minutes works as expected. But after the plateau, at about −8 °C, a peak appeared: I thought it was an artefact because ...
EyC's user avatar
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I have tried to remove oxidation from a metal scraper using vinegar, now the metal looks and smells burnt, what went wrong?

I have recently tried to remove some oxidation from a metal scraper spatula by using vinegar. After leaving it there for a couple of hours I was left with a burnt smell (with a hint of burnt candle ...
Raiji's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

A solution is cloudy at lower concentration and becomes clear at higher concentration. Why?

This might be just an "everyday life science" question. I am a university professor but not in chemistry so please educate me. Today I was adding some floor cleaner formula to water as ...
max sim's user avatar
  • 59
2 votes
1 answer

Universal symbols for molar mass, molarity, and molality

This is a really basic (perhaps trivial) question, but I just want to confirm: What are the SI symbols for molar mass, molarity, and molality? For molality and molarity, there is a difference, but I’...
Alex's user avatar
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0 votes
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How to thicken Paint [closed]

I'm non technical and have a question that you can hopefully help me out with as I've been searching online and so far haven't found any answered I'm looking for a product that will thicken the ...
anthony edensor's user avatar
2 votes
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General Question about transferring Solution from containers (Workplace Related)

At my workplace we will soon begin diluting a solution to specific concentrations, this is done within a specific container. The solution to be diluted is provided by a manufacturer in the following ...
No-one Important's user avatar
1 vote
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Freezing point of solution of Water, Ethanol and Sugar (aka, Limoncello)

I'm looking for a diagram of the freezing point of a water solution depending on its content in sugar and ethanol. More colloquially, I want to know how to balance alcohol and sugar so that my ...
Drup's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Is there an adhesive that is not dissolved by acetone?

I am trying to glue glass sheets together to make a sealed 13" x 13" x 13" box. Inside this box there would be acetone gas used to melt 3D printed parts to make them more durable. Acetone will remove ...
daniel's user avatar
  • 51
1 vote
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Science of soap bubbles

On the web there are tons of different recipes for a solution to make soap bubbles. Most of them use only three ingredients: water dish soap glycerin But their ratios widely change among the sources....
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Significance of shapes of Conical flask and Kjeldahl flask

What is the practical significance of the shapes of conical flask and Kjeldahl flask?
pjmathematician's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

looking for alternatives to lysol wipes (Alkyl C12-18 dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride) [closed]

Lysol and other recommended disinfectants claiming virucidal properties have been basically impossible to find here for weeks. I did however, find a bottle of clorox all-purpose disinfecting cleaner ...
Vince's user avatar
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How much of Sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione dihydrate should I use to replace bleach? [closed]

I am trying to determine how much sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione dihydrate powder I should add to water to create a dilution that can be injected into my water supply to react with the Hydrogen ...
Karl Bystrak's user avatar
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How can I make a reference humidity environment with NaOH pellets? [duplicate]

I have NaOH pellets at my disposal. Some of the pellets are degraded, but most are not, and I can provide a new batch if needed. I would like to test several humidity sensors in an environment with a ...
FarO's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Scientific Reason for Salt Solution Gaining Volume

A little background to this question: my mom placed a glass with salt and enough water to just cover the salt in a room to "absorb negative energy" out of the room at her office. It obviously "worked"....
Kendall's user avatar
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Can a substance be extracted from solution by adding another substance with a higher solubility?

Suppose that I have a substance X dissolved in water. I then add a substance Y to the solution. Substance Y has a higher solubility in water than substance X, and more than enough of substance Y is ...
user73910's user avatar
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How to make rheoscopic fluid using glycol stearate flakes

Rheoscopic fluid can be made by adding mica powder to water. I read that mica powder can settle and condense after sitting around for a long time. So I want to use glycol stearate flakes instead. ...
skibulk's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there a paper glue that is NOT dissolved by acetone?

Short version of the question: I need a spray-on glue that will stick paper to wood that isn't dissolved by acetone. Long version: I am trying to glue paper on wood. It's a big sheet of paper and I ...
SRM's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do Invert Sugars deter crystallization in Sucrose solutions?

Invert Sugars, by themselves, are notorious for their reputation to crystallize fast (think honey), but their addition to solutions of Sucrose (think simple syrup) deters the crystallization process. ...
ditsuke's user avatar
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Heat and Sugar Syrup Consistency

I make my own sugar syrups and have been observing how heating the syrup to different degrees results in syrups of radically different consistencies, I wonder why. Heating up syrups (4:3 Sugar:Water) ...
ditsuke's user avatar
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Methods to extract sucrose from tea after it's been stirred in?

Sugar is often labelled "white poison" now-a-days and a lot of negative health consequences happen due to increased sugar consumption. Keeping this in mind, if I were handed a cup of tea (with sugar ...
Prasan Dutt's user avatar
3 votes
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Adding ethanol to louche

I'm watching MIT chemistry by Donald Sadoway. In one of his lectures devoted to solutions and phase separation, he performs experiments with absinthe. First he mixes absinthe with 5 $\times$ water ...
xaxa's user avatar
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Making artificial sweat

I'm currently working on a chemistry investigation wherein I need to dilute a compound with artificial sweat. I have looked at various forums, including this, which gave answers, but is very outdated. ...
CommandoGeek's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

how are colloids and suspensions solutions?

my definition of solution is a homogenous mixture of a solute and solvent. and in my textbook they call colloids and suspensions solutions . how is this possible if both of them are heterogenous ...
Kunal_Boss's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to dissolve a spider with household chemicals?

Somehow a spider got into the little window that shows the water level on my electric kettle. The kettle doesn't come apart very easily, and it looks like I can't get this part off without breaking it....
Hamze's user avatar
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Can you write (with and ink pen) on hydrophobic paper?

Would the ink be repelled from the paper or prone to smearing?
Jared's user avatar
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What made my solution cloudy?

I may know, but I would like an expert opinion and a possible solution? I had an ethanol product from molasses, brown sugar and yeast which was clear. I then added (and feel all information is ...
Speg's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to separate/remove sugar from common drinks, such as juice?

Is it possible to remove sugar from a drink (for example, juice) using common household equipment?
R S's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is the density of the solution significantly different from the density of the solvent?

I am working on a mathematical model for the dissolution of coffee in water. I need to know some precise details about the effects of dissolution on the density of the mixture of the substances (that ...
Ron Ronson's user avatar
0 votes
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Reduced-pressure (vacuum) evaporation/drying of 15 liters of aqueous solution

I have 15 liters of aqueous solution inside an aluminum stock pot which rests upon a hot plate. I want to reduce the boiling point from 150°C to 100°C using reduced pressure. What is the most ...
Jerry Gallo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are concentrated salt solutions stable over time?

I have to use dilute salt solutions incredibly frequently, and it takes valuable time to make them from pure reagents every time I need them. Are concentrated salt solutions fairly stable over time? ...
Eli Riekeberg's user avatar
11 votes
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Cold-sensitive magic pen

Yesterday, I bought some "magic" rollerball pens (those with water-based ink), available in red, blue and black. They look and write like a normal pen, but have an eraser at the upper end, just like ...
sweber's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is there a way to dissolve glue?

Background: I have a journal from my childhood. I applied glue (uhu brand. this one) to the papers almost 10 years ago. Q: Is there a way to dissolve the glue and make the pages readable?
user3220381's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Why there is no change in water level when salt is added?

Let us say we have one glass of water and after that when we add one or two spoon of salt then we notice that salt dissolves in it but when we measure the water level we found that there is no ...
Shashank's user avatar
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Finding the mM concentration of capric acid (decanoic acid) in coconut oil

Im trying to figure out the mM concentration of capric acid in coconut oil. I know that There is 8% capric acid in coconut oil, but I would like to know how much capric acid is in coconut oil in a mM ...
Kevin Adams's user avatar
2 votes
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Sugar dissolution test

Is there a way to detect whether sugar is completely dissolved in a cup of water other than looking at the bottom of the cup? I was wondering if there is a test or something that can be carried out ...
Serj's user avatar
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Dissolving to Create a Solution with Ethanol

If at 95% Ethanol can dissolve chemical X at 1mg/1mL then theoretically if you have 500mg of chemical X you can dissolve it in 500mL of $\ce{EtOH}$ to get 1mg/mL correct? My question is, if you have ...
RogerZ's user avatar
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Water in the ultrasonication bath

Why something jelly forms in the water if it is kept in in a ultrasonication bath for long periods? When water is exposed to ultrasonication for say a month, some jelly substances form in the ...
TEJKIRAN's user avatar
5 votes
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Can acid mine drainage form acid rain?

Can acid mine drainage form acid rain? Since normal acid rain is formed via combustion of fossil fuels, the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are all in the gas phase, whereas in acid mines the ...
liya77's user avatar
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Could I settile for galvanized steel over stainless for salt corrosion resistance?

Bear with me, I'll get to the chemistry soon. I have a float tank that I want to attach a skimmer to. Unfortunately, the enclosure is weakened by cutting a hole out of the ABS plastic. The weight ...
Ben Pracht's user avatar
4 votes
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Polyprotic acids and bases

I just have a question on how you handle polyprotic bases. Question: Show how oxalate ion can be a polyprotic base My answer: My question is whether we stop doing the reaction until the oxalate ion ...
Ethan Hunt's user avatar
4 votes
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Can fully-hydrogenated oils be mixed with unsaturated oils for use in food (margarines, etc)?

Would it be feasible to mix fully hydrogenated oils with unsaturated oils (eg. soybean oil) to create an edible fat with the consistency of margarine? If so, what is the motivation for ...
edp's user avatar
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Applying the Solubility Guidelines is AgClO4 soluble or insoluble?

The book I am using is "General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications by Ralph H. Petrucci. On page 158 the Solubility Guidelines for Common Ionic Solids is given. Rule 3 states that, "Salts ...
Cetshwayo's user avatar
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What chemical will dissolve the plastic coating on circuit boards

I'm trying to reclaim the metals on circuit boards and the vast majority is underneath the plastic coating. It is a brittle plastic that chips off in small flakes when etched but that process will ...
Jim's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

When I dissolve sugar in my cup of tea/coffee, does it become a liquid?

When I dissolve sugar in my cup of tea/coffee, does the sugar go from being a solid to being a liquid? Related:
User 17670's user avatar
1 vote
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How can water with a very low hardness have substantial buffer capacity?

My freshwater fish tank has a pH of 5.8 and a KH value in excess of 40 or 720+ppm while still maintaining a water hardness of 20 ppm or GH< 1 now I am a math/phsyics student but I have taken both ...
Faust's user avatar
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Spontaneous explosion of a bottle containing alcohol and milk

A friend of mine gave me a bottle of home-made liquor which is a concoction of pure alcohol and sweetened milk. I accepted his gift happily and then I put the bottle in my cocktail cabinet. After an ...
Tomek K.'s user avatar
9 votes
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Why does permanent marker writing come off a white board when coated with white board marker?

Why is it that dry erase markers allow permanent markings to come off? Here's a demonstration.
DarkLightA's user avatar