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Is there an adhesive that is not dissolved by acetone?

I am trying to glue glass sheets together to make a sealed 13" x 13" x 13" box. Inside this box there would be acetone gas used to melt 3D printed parts to make them more durable. Acetone will remove ...
daniel's user avatar
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Heat and Sugar Syrup Consistency

I make my own sugar syrups and have been observing how heating the syrup to different degrees results in syrups of radically different consistencies, I wonder why. Heating up syrups (4:3 Sugar:Water) ...
ditsuke's user avatar
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I have tried to remove oxidation from a metal scraper using vinegar, now the metal looks and smells burnt, what went wrong?

I have recently tried to remove some oxidation from a metal scraper spatula by using vinegar. After leaving it there for a couple of hours I was left with a burnt smell (with a hint of burnt candle ...
Raiji's user avatar
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General Question about transferring Solution from containers (Workplace Related)

At my workplace we will soon begin diluting a solution to specific concentrations, this is done within a specific container. The solution to be diluted is provided by a manufacturer in the following ...
No-one Important's user avatar
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Freezing point of solution of Water, Ethanol and Sugar (aka, Limoncello)

I'm looking for a diagram of the freezing point of a water solution depending on its content in sugar and ethanol. More colloquially, I want to know how to balance alcohol and sugar so that my ...
Drup's user avatar
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Science of soap bubbles

On the web there are tons of different recipes for a solution to make soap bubbles. Most of them use only three ingredients: water dish soap glycerin But their ratios widely change among the sources....
Mark's user avatar
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How to make rheoscopic fluid using glycol stearate flakes

Rheoscopic fluid can be made by adding mica powder to water. I read that mica powder can settle and condense after sitting around for a long time. So I want to use glycol stearate flakes instead. ...
skibulk's user avatar
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Methods to extract sucrose from tea after it's been stirred in?

Sugar is often labelled "white poison" now-a-days and a lot of negative health consequences happen due to increased sugar consumption. Keeping this in mind, if I were handed a cup of tea (with sugar ...
Prasan Dutt's user avatar
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Can a substance be extracted from solution by adding another substance with a higher solubility?

Suppose that I have a substance X dissolved in water. I then add a substance Y to the solution. Substance Y has a higher solubility in water than substance X, and more than enough of substance Y is ...
user73910's user avatar
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Are concentrated salt solutions stable over time?

I have to use dilute salt solutions incredibly frequently, and it takes valuable time to make them from pure reagents every time I need them. Are concentrated salt solutions fairly stable over time? ...
Eli Riekeberg's user avatar