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-3 votes
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I need to know whether Lead(II)Bisulfate is soluble because I couldn't find any information on it online [closed]

I need to know if Pb(HSO4)2 [Lead(II)Bisulfate] is soluble.
Skylar's user avatar
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How to remove color from bromostyrene/dibromostyrene

Distillation under low heat can remove color (excess bromine) but this is time consuming and there is a danger of bromostyrene polymerization even with added TBC. In aqueous, sodium thiosulphate can ...
Don Volk's user avatar
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How to clean naphtha of non-saponifiable fats

My dad has been using naphtha to degrease some animal bones, which based on the MSDS is probably some random jumble of hydrocarbons, mostly heptanes. He's trying to be environmentally friendly so he ...
ProfWalrus's user avatar
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When we take baths, how does the water in the bathtub absorb only the dirtiness on our skin?

I'm 16. I study chemistry in college along with biology, physics, and maths, and I have a general interest in all of them. I always found this interesting: sometimes when I left the bathtub, even when ...
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How to dissolve brass surrounded by aluminium?

I have a broken off brass needle stuck in a caste aluminum hole. (It’s the pilot mixture jet on a carburetor). I was wondering if there was a chemical that would dissolve the brass while not reacting ...
Jason's user avatar
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How can I solubilize fragrance oil into polyvinyl acetate/clear glue?

I'm a high school student who makes slime for fun, using polyvinyl acetate (PVA) glue and borax as my main ingredients. Earlier, I had the idea of adding fragrance oils to clear glue. However, because ...
Marcus's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Controlled burn with colored flames (Gender Reveal) [closed]

Is there a single solvent that can dissolve chemicals/elements that when burned, will produce the color of its respective chemical/element? If so, what chemical/element can be dissolved in this ...
joseph levenson's user avatar
0 votes
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Creating 100mg/L aspirin solution

I plan on creating 100 mL of 100mg/L aspirin solution by dissolving 10 mg of pure aspirin powder in 100 mL of buffer solution (of different pHs). Problematically, aspirin doesn’t tend towards ...
Mas's user avatar
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What is the best way to calculate the mass percentage of Calcium Carbonate from water?

Where I live it's believed that local tap water is really bad for drinking because of the amount of limestone. As a science experiment for school I wanted to approximately calculate the percentage of ...
Spellcaster's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

Is honey really a supersaturated solution? Does heating to un-crystalize redissolve it or melt it?

In the SciShow video Honey: Bacteria's Worst Enemy after about 00:30 the narrator says: Honey is only about 17% water. Most, but not all of what remains is sugar. ...
uhoh's user avatar
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2 votes
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Hardened polyurethane remover

I've looked at the MSDS of a couple of products for removing hardened polyurethane (PU) foam. Both contained only ethanolamine as a dangerous substance, but only between 1-5%. So I'm guessing this ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Formulation solubility?

Creatine is a popular sports/fitness supplement, generally sold as a powder to be mixed with water (usually like 5-10g creatine per serving). However, it is not very "soluble" in water -- barely 13.3g/...
ManRow's user avatar
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chemical possibility in oil - 8th graders have questions for a project

I have a team of kids (8th graders) that are doing the First Lego League competition this year. As part of that they have to come up with a possible solution to a problem that relates to the human ...
TJ Ray's user avatar
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Adding ethanol to louche

I'm watching MIT chemistry by Donald Sadoway. In one of his lectures devoted to solutions and phase separation, he performs experiments with absinthe. First he mixes absinthe with 5 $\times$ water ...
xaxa's user avatar
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How to remove paraffin wax drop from cam lense glass?

When I put a my cellphone on a table for charging, some drops of paraffin wax were laying there which I couldn't see. After some time during charging, heat melted the paraffin wax and it stuck on the ...
Sanjay Kurkure's user avatar
5 votes
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Reaction between sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), isopropyl alcohol, and acetic acid (vinegar)?

I observed this reaction by playing around with vinegar and baking soda and I do not completely understand it. Everyone knows that baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid) go crazy ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Can solvents like 99.9% isopropyl alcohol and/or n-hexane be "carbonated" with CO2?

I'm working on a prototype for a new machine, and I'm trying to get solvents like $99.9\%$ isopropyl alcohol or n-hexane to be carbonated like a soda pop at cold temperatures. I have the machines and ...
user37302's user avatar
4 votes
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Solubility vs Dissociation of HF

Ok, so I understand that solubility is a measure of how well a compound is solvated by the solvent. And dissociation is a measure of how much of a compound splits into its ionized forms. Does HF have ...
Nova's user avatar
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Does adding ice to sparkling mineral water extend the 'fizziness' of the solution before the drink goes flat?

To my understanding the carbonated beverage loses its $\ce{CO2}$ content as gas bubbles which gives the drink its 'fizziness'. The loss of $\ce{CO2}$ occurs due to the low solubility of carbonic acid ...
Technetium's user avatar
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Brewing tea with deionized water

I am wondering what efect brewing tea (let us assume for the sake of simplicity it is green tea, brewed at about 80 °C) in deionized water might have on the product. Will the lack of ions in the ...
TheChymera's user avatar
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Dissolve/alter cellulose properties for printed circuit boards

I'm trying to find any readily available chemical/substance (i.e. household, hardware store etc.) or combination of such that breaks down paper/cellulose. I'm a home electronics hobbyist and am ...
Gordon's user avatar
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Solubility and Evaporation - Would the concentration still be 1 ppm?

A certain salt has a solubility of 1 mg/1 L. I have 1 mg of this certain salt dissolving in 1 L of water, I have a concentration of 1 ppm. 1st Question: If the solution is left open to evaporation, ...
pzyxian's user avatar
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9 votes
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Mixing solvents, or how does paint thinner work?

I would like to understand how a mixture of solvents works together. For example, there are two solvents combined, and each one alone can dissolve some material, but one acts faster. How do they ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar
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Will isopropyl alcohol dissolve the coating/paint of a notebook?

The notebook is a Dell Inspiron 6400 and the coating/paint is the silver on the palmrest and back cover. It says 99,4% on the container of the isopropyl alcohol.
Dellohol's user avatar
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What governs the merging of globs of inmiscible liquid?

If I add a small amount of chloroform to a bunch of water, it falls to the bottom as a glob. If I shake the container vigorously (being carefully not to spill any of the dangerous substance!), the ...
Superbest's user avatar
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Applying the Solubility Guidelines is AgClO4 soluble or insoluble?

The book I am using is "General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications by Ralph H. Petrucci. On page 158 the Solubility Guidelines for Common Ionic Solids is given. Rule 3 states that, "Salts ...
Cetshwayo's user avatar
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What chemical will dissolve the plastic coating on circuit boards

I'm trying to reclaim the metals on circuit boards and the vast majority is underneath the plastic coating. It is a brittle plastic that chips off in small flakes when etched but that process will ...
Jim's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

How to dissolve candle wax (paraffin)?

Wikipedia states that waxes can be dissolved by non-polar organic solvents. I failed to dissolve candle wax in both acetone and ethanol, which are the only organic solvents I have at home. I have ...
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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Are pesticides used on fruit easily washed off?

I was hoping there'd be someone who studies pesticides here. Are they water soluble? Do they get absorbed in to the fruit? How well would you have to wash the fruit to fully remove the residue?
papercuts's user avatar
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8 votes
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Methane seems to dissolve more readily in cold water. Why?

When you are diluting air in the system and/or properly evacuating it, you must consider water temperature. Methane is completely dissolved in water at 42 degrees Fahrenheit (5.5 C) but can be ...
readyready15728's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Are words on my T-shirt removable? [closed]

I wonder if the words on my T-shirt are removable? If yes, what kind of (chemical or physical) ways are there? They look like paints on the cloth, as the letter "C" has become blurred in the way ...
Tim's user avatar
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27 votes
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Why does ice cream make soda fizz?

I've noticed that adding a chunk of ice cream to soda makes the soda fizz slightly near the soda-ice cream interface. I thought it was a physical effect due to the temperature, but adding ice has no ...
ManishEarth's user avatar
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