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-3 votes
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I need to know whether Lead(II)Bisulfate is soluble because I couldn't find any information on it online [closed]

I need to know if Pb(HSO4)2 [Lead(II)Bisulfate] is soluble.
Skylar's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Precipitation of lead and zinc hydroxide [closed]

Excess of hydroxide forms complex with lead and zinc salts. If we add drop wise lead nitrate to a solution of sodium hydroxide the precipitates formed gets dissolved in excess of hydroxide. There will ...
Vijendra's user avatar
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I generate a waste machine coolant that contains a chelated Cd after use. Is there anything I can add to the coolant to prevent chelation of the Cd?

I have a machining process that uses a coolant. The coolant, which contains 8-12% triethanolamine, comes in contact with a low melting point alloy during use that contains Cd and Pb. When the coolant ...
James Williamson's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why mono and dioxides of germanium,tin and lead are amphoteric

I get that group 14 elements show +4 and +2 oxidation states so they can form both ionic and covalent compounds and so they are amphoteric but monoxide means that these elements have to show +2 ...
Tabi Khan's user avatar
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Equipment recommendation for atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) testing for mercury, lead, and cadmium

I work in a public health laboratory in a small mining town and we have the chance to buy equipment to test for lead and cadmium in wastewater, and mercury in not just wastewater, but also in blood, ...
JPertuz's user avatar
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Does anybody know anything about this patented, late-19th-century process for producing white lead?

I debated on whether to put this question in the History or Engineering Stack Exchange. Ultimately, I decided on the Engineering Stack because I believe the people on this site will understand the ...
Curious Layman's user avatar
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Are there any real dangers to using lead fishing sinkers to hold a shower curtain in place?

I am hoping someone can help me consider if there are any factors that would make the use of lead fishing sinkers such as these in the shower risky enough to stop doing it. Specifically, they are ...
Douglas B's user avatar
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1 answer

How does tetraethyl lead prevent knocking?

My understanding of knocking is that in a spark ignition engine as the fuel is being compressed it heats up. The heat causes some of the oxygen to break up into oxygen radicals the $\ce{O^.}$ ...
Q the Platypus's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Procedure for Determining Lead Levels in Water

I enjoyed chemistry in college and have always wanted an excuse to try it at home. A relative is currently very worried about lead from various sources. I think this is a great excuse to get back into ...
Kyle Berezin's user avatar
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What is white powder on lead? How to remove?

What is the white powdery substance that has formed on lead airgun pellets stored in an oak cabinet for 35 years? How can it be removed safely? The lead could possibly be alloyed with some antimony, ...
Bill's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Has dilead hexahydride been synthesised?

Dilead hexahydride is listed on Wikipedia as a compound composed of two lead atoms, and six hydrogen atoms: H H | | H-Pb-Pb-H | | H H As the wikipedia ...
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1 vote
2 answers

Will my method for catching lead dust work?

I am a hobbyist and a crafter working with cast models. These modles are up to 80% lead, with the rest being tin or similar soft metals. They are made in a mould, so they often have mould lines that ...
TooBusyForMinis's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why is Pb3O4 called lead(II,IV) oxide?

We know that iron(II,III) oxide has the formula $\ce{Fe3O4}$ which is a combination of iron(II) oxide and iron(III) oxide with formulas $\ce{FeO}$ and $\ce{Fe2O3}$ respectively. So why isn't this the ...
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5 votes
1 answer

How to dissolve metallic lead fast in nitric acid?

We were trying to dissolve a piece of metallic lead in concentrated nitric acid until we found out that concentrated nitric acid is not a suitable media, as long as it produces a layer of lead oxide ...
Cris's user avatar
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8 votes
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Are double spike isotopic standards suitable for quantification by isotope dilution mass spectrometry?

I would like to apply isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS)* to quantify lead at trace levels. A good spike solution for the process would be the NIST SRM 991 which is an enriched material of ...
Cris's user avatar
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Testing for lead in alcohol

I want to test for lead in alcohol rather than water. The reason for this is that I have many antique crystal decanters and flasks. Crystal is made with lead oxide (PbO) added to the glass. Normally ...
Shaka Boom's user avatar
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