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2 votes

Reduction with Na/EtOH

The reduction method using absolute ethanol and sodium metal is a named reaction called Bouveault–Blanc reduction, which is a chemical reaction used to reduce organic ester to corresponding primary ...
Mathew Mahindaratne's user avatar
2 votes

Reduction with Na/EtOH

Acid chloride in the presence of EtOH is going to generate ethyl esters, however it is well established that esters are reduced by sodium metal/EtOH so overall you will get reduction of the acyl ...
Waylander's user avatar
  • 23k
2 votes

Can Zn dust remove an alcoholic groups from any alcohols?

No, not in any synthetically useful way It has been observed here that the reaction of zinc powder with aliphatic alcohols at $\pu{330^\circ C}$ under solvothermal conditions produces $\ce{ZnO}$ ...
Waylander's user avatar
  • 23k

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