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Geometry Optimizations for Excited States

TDDFT can be used both for determining excited state energies at a particular geometry as well as to optimize the structure on a particular excited state's potential energy surface (PES). As you ...
Tyberius's user avatar
  • 11.9k
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TDDFT Results - Excitation Energies

TLDR; Those numbers you’re seeing next to each orbital transition are basically showing you how strongly that particular “jump” (from one orbital to another) contributes to the overall excited state. ...
Jason Roell's user avatar
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Molecular orbitals in complex aromatic systems

There are several nodes (in white): Not much different than benzene. All MOs have a node in the plane of the atoms, and as you go to higher energy MOs, more and more nodes perpendicular to that (in ...
Karsten's user avatar
  • 42.3k

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