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What's the mechanism behind mineral oil loosening cyanoacrylate bonds?

Does the mineral oil interact with the oil on the skin to loosen the cured adhesive and thus break the bond between skin and cyanoacrylate? Yes, oil modifies the surface of skin rather than the cured ...
Paul Kolk's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is LiCl a hypovalent covalent molecule?

Whether lithium is "hypovalent" in this and similar compounds is a matter of definition, and at least as I see it the best definition says "no". Do we include the $2p$ orbitals as ...
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
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2 votes

What does a crystal field mean, exactly?

"Crystal field" points to the electrostatic interaction between a central metal ion and surrounding ligands, considered as point charges or dipoles, in a coordination complex. The ...
Unknown's user avatar
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Are all covalent compounds non-conductors of electricity?

Polythiazyl, $\ce{(SN)_x}$, is an example of a covalently bonded polymer that is electrical conducting. Indeed according to the linked wikipedia article "Due to its electrical conductivity, ...
Ian Bush's user avatar
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Why is the C-Cl bond length in 4-chlorobenzaldehyde shorter than in chlorobenzene?

Due to the -R effect of -CHO the electron density in the ring reduces which allows chlorine to donate its electrons much easier. This would lead to an increased double bond character as compared to ...
Piyush's user avatar
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Chemical bonding with f orbitals

By transition metals, 4f becomes full and becomes quite deeply buried in the electron cloud. So the main orbitals that participate are 5d and 6s orbitals - especially in ion formation. However in ...
user154560's user avatar
-1 votes

Existence of odd electron species (XeF5,ClO2)

In general, species with an odd number of electrons are unstable because they have an unpaired electron and usually can't satisfy the octet rule. ClO2 kind of exists, but it is unstable and decomposes ...
unstable's user avatar
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Existence of odd electron species (XeF5,ClO2)

If $\ce{ClO2, NO}$ would make a dimer, the new bond would be a non-bonding molecular orbital. As it is non bonding, the bond would soon get dissociated at usual temperatures. For example, $\ce{NO}$ ...
Maurice's user avatar
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Are all covalent compounds non-conductors of electricity?

Covalent compounds with macromolecular structures are often semiconducting. Setting aside single elements, an obvious example is provided by gallium arsenide,, whose semiconducting properties are used ...
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
  • 61.1k

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