Linked Questions

4 votes
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Why are the axial bonds of PF5 longer than those of the equatorial bonds? (Hybridization) [duplicate]

The axial bonds of $\ce{PF5}$ are longer than those of the equatorial positions. One explanation is that because the axial bonds are experiencing more repulsion than those of the equatorial and ...
Andy's user avatar
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What is the hybridisation in BrF5 [duplicate]

What is the hybridisation of $\ce{BrF5}$ ? I find different sources giving different answers. When I approach this problem , I don't find any exceptional case like $\ce{SH6}$ (in which hybridisation ...
InquisitiveMind's user avatar
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In PCl2F3, why are two Cl atoms not on axial position? [duplicate]

According to these sites: Chemistry Help Molbase in $\ce{PCl2F3}$, both $\ce{Cl}$ and one $\ce{F}$ atom are on equatorial position, and other 2 $\ce{F}$ atoms are on axial position as follows: The ...
Max Payne's user avatar
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Why are d orbitals used in the hybridisation of PCl5 and similar compounds? [duplicate]

Phosphorus uses its $\ce{3s}$, three $\ce{3p}$ and one $\ce{3d}$ orbitals for its hybridization in $\ce{PCl5}$ and similar compounds. However, shouldn't it use its $\ce{4s}$ rather than $\ce{3d}$ ...
User's user avatar
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where will be highly electronegetive atom placed? [duplicate]

consider a molecule PCl3F2 here F is more electronegetive than Cl, which of them should occupy axial position??when i searched on internet i found these two images , they increased my confusion ...
Vidyanshu Mishra's user avatar
99 votes
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What is Bent's rule?

I'm all bent out of shape trying to figure out what Bent's rule means. I have several formulations of it, and the most common formulation is also the hardest to understand. Atomic s character ...
Dissenter's user avatar
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10 votes
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Why does nitrogen have a maximum covalency of 4?

As nitrogen has 1 lone pair and 3 electrons, either it should have maximum covalency of 5 or 3. But why does it have a maximum covalency of 4 instead? Why did it leave 1 electron? Why did it have to ...
user9306517's user avatar
15 votes
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How does chlorine form more than 1 bond?

How are perchlorate or chlorate or chlorite ions and their respective acids or compounds formed. $\ce{Cl}$ can't form more than one bond but still... $\rightarrow$'Perchlorate ion' $\rightarrow$'...
NeilRoy's user avatar
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34 votes
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Hypervalency and the octet rule

I realize that the octet rule is more a suggestion than a rule, and that it applies mainly to non-transition metal compounds. Still, compounds that don't have an octet, like $\ce{BH3}$, tend to ...
ron's user avatar
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22 votes
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What is the favoured geometry of chlorine trifluoride?

Why is the first structure on the left more stable than the second one on the right? In the first one the angle between the two pair of nonbonding electrons is about 120° which is a lot less than ...
Abhirikshma's user avatar
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24 votes
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PBP vs TBP geometry?

Why are the axial bond lengths greater than those of the equatorial bonds in a trigonal bi-pyramid (TBP) geometry molecule; but the opposite is true for pentagonal bi-pyramid (PBP) geometry molecules? ...
tkhanna42's user avatar
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11 votes
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Why the bond angle of PH3 is lesser that that of PF3?

We can explain why the bond angle of $\ce{NF3}$ (102°29') is lesser than $\ce{NH3}$ (107°48') by the VSEPR theory, since lone pair lone pair repulsion is greater than lone pair bond pair repulsion. ...
Aneek's user avatar
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How are the hybrid orbitals of sulfur hexafluoride shaped?

On the fluorine end the fluoride atoms are simply completing a $3p$ orbital. On the sulfur end one could posit a hybrid of one $3s$ orbital, two $3p$ orbitals and a three inner $2p$ orbitals. However,...
Ms. Molly Stewart-Gallus's user avatar
8 votes
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Why does stannous chloride occur despite the octet rule?

Shouldn't reaching an octet be any atom's "goal"? However, I've recently learned about cases that are either expanding octets, or have lesser than "enough" electrons for an octet abiding. e.g.: S in ...
M.A.R.'s user avatar
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Why an asymmetric geometry with sp3d and sp3d3 hybridization?

A molecule in which the central atom is $sp^3d^2$ hybridized ($\ce{SF_6}$), for example, acquires an octahedral shape, which can be explained by assuming that the hybrid orbitals arrange themselves to ...
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