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Is incineration of a solid fuel complete or incomplete?

If I have some solid material like biomass and incinerate it at 1000 Celsius degrees for 15 minutes in an oxidized atmosphere within an incineration oven. As an output it gives me ash. Is the ...
xtyper's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a negative overall activation energy for a whole reaction mechanism?

I am trying to find out correlation for ignition delay for alkane fuels. The activation energy part of the correlation gives me a negative value. For the ignition delay formulation, is it possible to ...
Pragnesh Rana's user avatar
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Feasibility of using ionic liquid fuels in an MHD type reactor

First off I would like to say that my knowledge on chemistry, even general chemistry, is basic if not poor. That said, I have some intuituions on this matter. I haven´t found any paper regarding ...
Y ́ Golonac's user avatar
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How do you figure out fuel specific impulse non-experimentally?

Simple question, probably very complicated answer: Without building a test engine/rocket and finding out experimentally, that is to say, based on chemical characteristics alone, how can one compute ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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Could UV lasers be used to split CO2 and H2O?

I was wondering whether intense UV light, tuned to the correct wavelength, could be used to split carbon dioxide and water molecules as a first step towards synthesizing liquid fuels.
John Eastmond's user avatar
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Rocket propellants: accuracy of vapor pressure estimation techniques

I would like to determine the vapore pressures of a couple of substances (rocket propellants) over a significant temperature range within a ~10% error margin. For a first test, I tried to ...
cl10k's user avatar
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Thermodynamic-Fuel and efficiency

Why is the maximum theoretical efficiency of Ar engine higher than that of Nitrogen engine? On a molecular level. For an Otto Cycle $\mathrm{Eff} \le\left(1-r^{1-\gamma}\right)$ $\gamma=\dfrac{C_p}{...
Thinh L's user avatar
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Why is CO a major species only in fuel-rich combustion?

In fuel-rich combustion, my understanding is that enough fuel reacts and consumes all of the oxygen present. The combustion products $\ce{CO2}$ and $\ce{H2O}$ undergo dissociation until equilibrium is ...
Yandle's user avatar
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Why does the boiling and freezing-point of non-polar molecules rise with increasing molecular mass?

In the section about fuels, my textbook mentions that the boiling and freezing-points of alkanes (which are non-polar) increase with an increase in molecular mass due to London dispersion forces. ...
Edward Stumperd's user avatar