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6 votes

Reaction of methyl triphenylbenzoate with concentrated sulphuric acid

The conditions are concentrated sulfuric acid so there is no water present to hydrolyse the ester. If it was dilute sulfuric then you would get the hydrolysis. This reaction proceeds by protonation of ...
Waylander's user avatar
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6 votes

Is RCOOH + H2SO4 + heat a viable alternative to RCOCl + AlCl3 in Friedel-Crafts acylation?

Sure it is possible. It is best known for intramolecular cyclisation using Polyphosphoric Acid (PPA) or Methanesulfonic acid more here. Examples are known of intermolecular Friedel-Craft acylation ...
Waylander's user avatar
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6 votes

Multi-step organic synthesis using benzene

@Waylander has provided a concise route to the nitro compound in question. I am also in accord with his comments regarding the OP's effort and his assessment that benzene, as a starting material, is ...
user55119's user avatar
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5 votes

Lactone acylation

The reaction of benzene and γ-butyrolactone with AlCl3 was reported by Truce and Olson1 in 1952. The authors found that the ratio of γ-phenylbutyric acid to α-tetralone was dependent ...
user55119's user avatar
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4 votes

Can Friedel-Crafts acylation work with phosgene or HCOCl?

The standard mode for Friedel-Crafts acylation with phosgene is indeed the phosgene is the acylating reagent. One stage of reaction produces the aryl acyl chloride; the second chloride moiety can also ...
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
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4 votes

Multi-step organic synthesis using benzene

While I think the OP should make more of an effort at answering this I am going to suggest a route because I think this is an interesting challenge - if a little unreal. In the real world of ...
Waylander's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is the dipole moment of Anisole less than that of Phenol?

The answer lies in the fact that OH group is more activating than OR group that is, it increases the electron density inside the benzene ring to a greater extent. This can be explained by Bent's rule. ...
Newton's in-law's user avatar
1 vote

Why is the dipole moment of Anisole less than that of Phenol?

Based on Pauling's assigned electronegativites (EN), oxygen is more electron demanding (EN: 3.44), than carbon (EN: 2.55), or hydrogen (EN: 2.20). Hence the bonds $\ce{O-C}$ and $\ce{O-H}$ are ...
Buttonwood's user avatar
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