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Carbon 11 radiolabeled inhaled Beta-2 agonist or corticosteroids, is it possible?

Background Positron emission tomography (PET) is a highly sensitive imaging modality that can provide in vivo quantitative information of biological processes at a biochemical level. PET relies upon ...
Mick Friel's user avatar
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Unknown possibly handmade glassware- description in information below

Okay, Another random item from the cupboard (unknown users or discipline of life sciences unknown) could be anything up to 40 years old.... This appears to be a 2 neck quickfit adapter (B19 and B14) ...
hreeve1's user avatar
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Is there a structured data source containing information on the World Health Organisation's Stability Testing Policies?

Hoping to automate some product testing guidance software, I've been attempting to find a (hopefully live, up-to-date) Database, Web-service, or other structured data source containing the ...
user32052's user avatar
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