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why is alpha-linolenic acid "alpha"?

I'm learning about how fatty acid names are formed. In the process, I noticed a molecule called alpha-linolenic acid. There's a similar molecule called linoleic acid. Both have 18 carbons, but alpha-...
chrononaute's user avatar
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What is the mechanism of Salkowski reaction of сholesterols?

I recently came across the Salkowski reaction of cholesterols. Cholesterol in chloroform is treated with concentrated sulfuric acid. A positive test exhibits two distinct layers, the upper chloroform ...
Cyclopropanol's user avatar
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Why do the two layers of a phospholipid bilayer stick together?

Every answer I can find about why phospholipids form a bilayer says the same thing: hydrophilic heads associate with water, hydrophobic tails do not, so they arrange themselves with heads facing ...
Lysanderoth's user avatar
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DIY lipid nanoparticles

I, and a number of friends, take a bunch of supplements that are polyphenols and often flavin-oids, -ols or -es; also numerous carotenoids. Examples include quercetin, luteolin, fisetin, curcumin, ...
andrewH's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Why polysaccharides are not considered as lipids? [closed]

It is mentioned in my textbook that all lipids have one common trait which defines them :they are insoluble in water;they are hydropohic. I want to ask ,since polysaccharides are also insoluble in ...
user261947's user avatar
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What kind of plastic is (really) safe to store vegetable oil?

Storing colza or olive oil in a plastic bottle might be risky since the oil can leach out phthalates and BPA (and others molecules?). Some manufacturers sell "phthalates and BPA free bottles", but ...
JinSnow's user avatar
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What happens to a quaternary ammonium cation at a pH above its pKa?

I am working with a lipid and I have firm reasons to believe that its pKa is around 8. This lipid is a cationic lipid where the nitrogen is a quaternary amine with two lipid chains and two methyl ...
ansari's user avatar
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2 votes
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How are phosphoglycerides different from phospholipids?

(Currently studying high-school Biochemistry) I'm unable to distinguish between phospholipids and phosphoglycerides from their "definitions" (Courtesy: Wikipedia) On phospholipids: Which suggests ...
paracetamol's user avatar
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What happens during oxidative and hydrolytic rancidity of fats?

I understand that when lipid molecules - triacylglycerol - are hydrolysed, the fatty acids 'break' off from the glycerol backbone. And when fatty acids oxidise, these in turn can break into smaller ...
Dr Stu's user avatar
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12 votes
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Do unsaturated fatty acids with an odd number of carbons exist?

Our teacher asked us about fatty acid C21:3. Does this fatty acid even exist?
EmmaF's user avatar
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