Linked Questions

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why do electron pairs not take axial positions in the VSEPR structure of ClF3? [duplicate]

when we make a Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory based structure for an molecule after calculating its hybridisation ; when we have to decide the positions of the ions we put them in such ...
Ishita Gupta's user avatar
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Why do some molecules form T shapes instead of trigonal planar shapes [duplicate]

Consider a molecule such as $\ce{ClF_3}$. Shouldn't the electron clouds (which are more negative than the Chlorine atom) want to repel each other and so the $\ce{ClF_3}$molecule should arrange into a ...
Ms. Molly Stewart-Gallus's user avatar
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Trigonal bipyramidal arrangement with 2 lone pairs [duplicate]

So basically according to university textbooks, it is said that the second lone pair in a trigonal bypyramidal arrangement would also reside on the trigonal plane, causing the two lone pairs to be ...
Jack Tan's user avatar
99 votes
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What is Bent's rule?

I'm all bent out of shape trying to figure out what Bent's rule means. I have several formulations of it, and the most common formulation is also the hardest to understand. Atomic s character ...
Dissenter's user avatar
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Why does F replace the axial bond in PCl5?

Why does $\ce{F}$ replace an axial bond in $\ce{PCl5}$? I realize that it would be more stable there than at equatorial bond, but what is the reason of its stability? Similarly in $\ce{AB4}$ type of ...
Shubham's user avatar
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34 votes
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Hypervalency and the octet rule

I realize that the octet rule is more a suggestion than a rule, and that it applies mainly to non-transition metal compounds. Still, compounds that don't have an octet, like $\ce{BH3}$, tend to ...
ron's user avatar
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7 votes
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How can Iodine bond with 5 Fluorines in Iodine Pentafluoride?

According to this lewis diagram, Iodine has 12 valence electrons? How is the possible? Only thing I can think of is that I'm mistaken in counting the covalent bonds as two valence electrons each. Do ...
Sam D20's user avatar
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Does fluorine ever form a double or triple bond?

Does fluorine ever form a double or triple bond? I wonder if seeming lack of such higher order bonds is related to the electronegativity of fluorine.
TRIPLE's user avatar
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Structure of the bifluoride anion [duplicate]

I came across this structure of $\ce{HF2-}$ and realized that the bond shown between H and F is a hydrogen bond. $$\Large\ce{[F-H-F]-}$$ HF hydrogen bond are the strongest hydrogen bonds we know, ...
Arishta's user avatar
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How can chlorine have 10 electrons around it in chlorine trifluoride?

I'm relatively new to chemistry, and while doing some exercises about $\ce{ClF_3}$ I tried to draw where the electrons are. I checked Google and got this: How is this structure possible? From what I'...
cansomeonehelpmeout's user avatar
5 votes
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What qualifies to be considered as a lone pair-lone pair repulsion?

Referring to, NCERT Chemistry Part I, Textbook for Class XI[1]. Here the text puts forward three structures of $\ce{ClF3}$. My teacher said to me that (b) structure is unstable due to lone pair lone ...
Rishi's user avatar
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