I have a nitrogen gas padded tank (tank 1) which is filled from the bottom of the tank. Tank has a set point of 30 psi which adjusted as tank level changes. Also at the inlet is an additional pipe attached to a 10 gallon recovery tank. The recovery tank is also padded to its nitrogen gas. When the recovery tank is full, the liquid is pumped back into tank 1. The pump is a Venturi pump. When this occurs a pocket of gas is also entering tank 1. My question is would that pocket of gas remain trapped below the fluid or bubble up to the top of the liquid? The Venturi pump is set to 40 psi and with the tank 1 maintaining 30 psi, would the pocket of gas bubble by lowering tank 1 set point from 30 psi to a lower value?
Currently when the recovery tank pumps back into the tank, a small pocket of nitrogen is discharged at the tank outlet.
Update: I realize that the way I posted the question it comes across as if I am asking for a direct “fix” for this issue. I want to clarify that yes a pocket of gas is getting trapped from the recovery tank. I can reprogram the automated process so stopping the gas from entering the tank. However, I should’ve worded the question asking help with an explanation as to why the gas stays trapped. Is it due to the tank blanket pressure, wine viscosity, combination of the two, or some other condition(s)? I would like to understand what is occurring here.