Mechanical engineer here so please excuse me if my question seems dumb to you!
I want to have a chamber $(\approx 40 \times 30 \times \pu{30 cm})$ to control concentration $(\pu{ppm})$ of a flammable material (e.g. alcohols or ketones) at a specific temperature $(T\approx \pu{24 \pm 10 ^\circ C})$ and pressure $(P\approx \pu{1 \pm 0.5 bar})$
What should this chamber be called? I need the the name to be able to search for it and also mention in my publication.
Candidate names so far:
- Incubator --> mostly for biological entities
- Reactor
- Environmental chamber --> too expensive
- Atmospheric controlled chamber
- Autoclave --> for sterilization(high temperature/pressure)
- Flash drum
- Vapor inhalation chambers --> for animal testing
P.S. I have posted the question also on Reddit here and here. There are some good points mentioned there.