
An organic compound X of formula $\ce{C5H10O2}$ forms two compounds when boiled in aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. One of these compounds forms a ketone when treated with acidified potassium dichromate.

Compound X could be

\begin{array}{ll} \textbf{A} \quad \ce{CH3COOCH(CH3)2}. \qquad & \textbf{C} \quad \ce{CH3CH2COOCH2CH3}. \\ \textbf{B} \quad \ce{CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH}. \qquad & \textbf{D} \quad \ce{(CH3)2CH2COOCH3}. \end{array}

Can someone confirm that the correct answer is option A instead of C?

Since one of the compounds (alcohol) forms a ketone, therefore it must be secondary alcohol. This means the ester must be branched, so it would be A?


1 Answer 1


Oxidation of an alcohol (with potassium dichromate) gives a ketone when the alcohol is secondary, like isopropanol. So, which ester out of the given choices has a secondary alcohol component?

You see that A is correct as claimed.


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