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Brittle Properties of Ionic Compounds? [closed]

From my understanding, ionic compounds are brittle due to the alternating cations and anions within their lattice. Hence when stress is applied, similarly charged ions will repel causing the structure ...
Cot's user avatar
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Lattice energy as a factor that helps determine which charge the atoms take on?

I do not quite understand the following line of reasoning: Why does Na not form $\ce{Na^{2+}}$ ions? To obtain $\ce{Na^{2+}}$ ions, the first and second ionization energy must be applied: 496 + 4563 ...
iwab's user avatar
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Lattice Energy of MX2 type

While finding the solution to the question that which among BaO and BaCl2 has hi that is energy I found that it was BaO whose lattice energy is high and there were explaining it just with charges. So ...
Nick's user avatar
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Why don't ions form crystal lattices in water and other polar solvents?

Ionic compounds are in the form of crystal lattices, and when they are dissolved in a polar solvent, they are bonded with the corresponding cations/anions of the polar solvent. For example, $Na^+$ ...
Sashank Sriram's user avatar