You have mixed up Avogadro number $N_0$ with Avogadro constant $N_\mathrm{A}$, and used the constant to define itself, which is incorrect mathematically. Analytical form of your suggestion is as follows:
$$N_\mathrm{A} = N_0\cdot\pu{mol^-1} \label{eqn:1}\tag{1}$$
$$\implies \pu{1 mol^-1} = N_\mathrm{A}\cdot N_0^{-1} \label{eqn:2}\tag{2}$$
Plugging \eqref{eqn:2} in \eqref{eqn:1} (even though it makes no sense mathematically) one gets
$$N_\mathrm{A} = N_0\cdot N_\mathrm{A}\cdot N_0^{-1}\tag{3}$$
Or, since both $N_0$ and $N_\mathrm{A}$ are non-zero by definition,
$$1 = 1\tag{4}$$
This is correct, but useless.