I am following the video lectures by Neeraj Saini sir and in this video$^{\dagger}$ he said that $\ce{CO2}$ has infinite planes of symmetry.
But I think that if we take into account the orientation of $π$ bonds (which I don't know if we have to or not) then $\ce {CO2}$ molecule must have $2$ planes of symmetry, as per the following argument:
A $\ce {CO2}$ molecule has similar $\pi$ bond orientation as that of an allene.
Now if we consider the orientation of pi bonds then $\ce {CO2}$ must have only 2 planes of symmetry.
So, to check whether infinite planes of symmetry statement is correct or not, I have the following question:
- Do we consider the spatial orientation of molecular orbitals while assigning plane of symmetry? And if not then why not?
$\dagger$ Note that he uses Hindi language for the purpose of conversation.