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stability of elementary Would sodium inmetal react differently with aqueous solutionsolutions than with pure water?

I know sodium metal reacts violently with water, but what about aqueous solutions (like sodium bicarbonate). Also, what would the reaction kinetics be?

I have watched YouTube videos were a small piece of elementary sodium reacts completely with water in a matter of seconds. Would that also be the case of elementary sodium in aqueous solutions (for ex.example sodium bicarbonate)?

stability of elementary sodium in aqueous solution

I know sodium metal reacts violently with water, but what about aqueous solutions (like sodium bicarbonate). Also, what would the reaction kinetics be?

I have watched YouTube videos were a small piece of elementary sodium reacts completely with water in a matter of seconds. Would that also be the case of elementary sodium in aqueous solutions (for ex. sodium bicarbonate)?

Would sodium metal react differently with aqueous solutions than with pure water?

I know sodium metal reacts violently with water, but what about aqueous solutions (like sodium bicarbonate). Also, what would the reaction kinetics be?

I have watched YouTube videos were a small piece of elementary sodium reacts completely with water in a matter of seconds. Would that also be the case of elementary sodium in aqueous solutions (for example sodium bicarbonate)?

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stability of elementary sodium in aqueous solution

I know sodium metal reacts violently with water, but what about aqueous solutions (like sodium bicarbonate). Also, what would the reaction kinetics be?

I have watched YouTube videos were a small piece of elementary sodium reacts completely with water in a matter of seconds. Would that also be the case of elementary sodium in aqueous solutions (for ex. sodium bicarbonate)?