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Applicable to questions about heat, energy, work, and their interconversion in chemistry. See the tag wiki for a detailed list of topics. Questions tagged may also be tagged with [enthalpy], [energy], [free-energy] where appropriate.

0 votes
0 answers

Can a reaction happen if a product change phase under reaction conditions?

Suppose we have the reaction : $$\ce{A(s) + B(s) <=> C(g)}$$ The equilibrium constant will be equal to $e^{-\frac{Δ_rG}{RT}}$ and it varies with temperature. Suppose that $\ce{A}$ and $\ce{B}$ come in …
Anton's user avatar
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Is vapor-liquid equilibrium in contradiction with Pascal's law?

When in a closed container a small amount of liquid is introduced then at a fixed temperature $T$ we will have a vapor-liquid equilibrium and the pressure of the vapor at that temperature is called va …
Anton's user avatar
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Why one compartment in an osmotic container have different pressure?

I am reading about osmotic pressure and the derivation in Wikipedia, states: Consider the system at the point when it has reached equilibrium. The condition for this is that the chemical potential of …
Anton's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Why is standard state useful?

In order to calculate the equilibrium constant we must know the value of $\Delta_\mathrm{r}G^{\circ}$ (which is a function of $T$) so we can calculate $K$ as: $$K = \exp\left(-\frac{\Delta_\mathrm{r}G …
Anton's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

What favors the active transport in a membrane?

I was reading about active transport in membranes where ATP is used. ATP "reacts" with the protein pump and converts into ADP and also make a conformational change to the pump. Now this conformational …
Anton's user avatar
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1 answer

Activation energy and degrees of freedom

According to the Arrhenius equation the rate of a reaction increases as at higher temperature a greater percentage of molecules have translational kinetic energy greater than or equal to activation en …
Anton's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Pressure dependence of the equilibrium constant

The equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction can be calculated if the $\Delta_\mathrm rG^\circ$ is known which is a function of only temperature. So if a reaction happens inside a container subject …
Anton's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can we have an equilibrium constant for a reaction at constant volume?

Suppose we have a sealed container (fixed volume) and we introduce two gases $\ce{A}$ and $\ce{B}$. The two reactants $$\ce{A + B <=> C}$$ form another gas $\ce{C}$ with equilibrium constant $K$. We k …
Anton's user avatar
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1 answer

Understanding Joule-Thomson expansion apparatus

I am reading the Joule-Thomson experiment and although I can follow the mathematics I can't understand what is going on. Here is the apparatus                                                     taken …
Anton's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Do the differential expressions of second law of thermodynamics imply a smooth increase in e... [closed]

Another statement of second law of thermodynamics can be formulated in terms of system properties and not properties + surroundings (isolated system). … When I was introduced in thermodynamics I always thought of the spontaneity inequalities in the following manner. Suppose that the system is at equilibrium state (state $1$) at time $t$. …
Anton's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Is light a reactant in photochemical reactions?

Because for every reaction there must be a corresponding equilibrium constant according to thermodynamics. …
Anton's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is it valid to calculate concentrations given equilibrium constant and initial concentration?

Suppose we have the following reaction: $$\ce{2A <=> B + C}\tag{1}$$ which can be thought the sum of the following reactions: $$\ce{A <=> B}\tag{2}$$ $$\ce{A <=> C}\tag{3}$$ with equilibrium constants …
Anton's user avatar
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0 answers

Is standard change in activation Gibbs free energy indepedent of pressure?

For a chemical reaction the activation volume is defined as: $$Δ^{\ddagger}V={V^\ddagger}-V$$ where both $V^\ddagger$ and $V$ refer to standard states (I have omitted the symbol for simplicity). One c …
Anton's user avatar
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0 answers

Should change in enthalpy be zero in galvanic cells?

This can be derived from the definition of enthalpy and the first law of Thermodynamics. …
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0 answers

Why probability for an atom is fraction for population?

In the canonical ensemble the probability of finding an atom (or molecule) in its $i$-th energy state is given by the Boltzmann factor. This probability is interpreted as the number of microstates tha …
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