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Why is degree of dissociation used to estimate strength of an acid?

Problem Which of the following will give strength of acid? A) pH B) Normality C) Degree of dissociation D) Dissociation constant Answer Question If pH is not considered as a metric to assess the ...
Ashish's user avatar
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Boiling point of oxygen

I am studying chemistry from the book titled "Fundamental Chemistry for Cambridge O Level" written by Rosemarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram. On page 17, it states that oxygen boils at −219 °C and ...
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Is there a error at page 566 of Atkins Physical Chemistry? [closed]

At page 556 I found this question being analyzed and the rate law is provided. However, when I apply steady state approximation, I can't find the result without the factor 2. Is it me being wrong?
David Li's user avatar
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"Nitrogen (gas) is physisorbed over iron (metal) at room temperature": Is this for real? [closed]

My copy (PDF) of Levine's Physical Chemistry (6th ed.), page 570-571, section: "Adsorption of Gases on Solids", states: Physical adsorption is nonspecific. For example, $\ce{N2}$ will be physically ...
paracetamol's user avatar
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Can final volume differ from initial volume in a constant volume process?

A sample of 1.00 mol perfect gas molecules with $C_{p,\mathrm m} = 7R/2$ is put through the following cycle: (a) constant-volume heating to twice its initial volume, ... (Problem 2.5, Atkins Physical ...
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Problems with Daniell cell

In Zemansky and Dittman's book on thermodynamics, pages 41–43, the authors discuss the Daniell cell as a thermodynamic system. Their cell consists of two saturated $\ce{CuSO4}$ and $\ce{ZnSO4}$ ...
Tofi's user avatar
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kJ per mole or kJ per 2 moles?

From Chemguide: Here is a simple reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to make water: $$\ce{2 H2(g) + O2(g) -> 2 H2O(l)} \quad \Delta_\mathrm{r}H^\circ = \pu{572 kJ mol^-1}$$ First, notice that ...
CowperKettle's user avatar
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Constructing a Walsh diagram of AH2

According to Wikipedia, for the $\ce{AH2}$ Walsh diagram: and the Walsh diagram in Shriver and Atkins Inorganic Chemistry, the $a_1$ orbital sinks in energy going from 90 to 180°. Furthermore, the $...
D.A's user avatar
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How are partial molar Gibbs excess functions correctly defined?

I think I've found a mistake in my thermodynamics textbook, Chemical Thermodynamics for Process Simulation, but as thermodynamics is hard and I'm a relative novice, I wanted to check here. The ...
tom's user avatar
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Deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour

From the Amagat's curve we can see two types of result for real gases. If we increase pressure,the value of $PV$ decreases initially and then the value starts increasing for the gases like- carbon ...
Esoteric Tanmay's user avatar
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Finding the average rate of consumption

The question is: If $2.0 \cdot 10^{-4}$ moles of dye in $\pu{50 mL}$ of solution is consumed in 188 seconds, what is the average rate of consumption of dye in $\pu{mol L-1 s-1}$? I am not sure if I ...
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