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4 votes
3 answers

Does manganese reacts with water at "not" standard conditions?

In my answer, I stated that manganese is said to not react with water under normal conditions although some sources say it reacts with water to liberate hydrogen gas. Does it implies that it reacts ...
Nilay Ghosh's user avatar
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Chemical Kinetics / Rate Question -- Error in Textbook Question/Answer?

I am reading Kaplan's General Chemistry MCAT Review 2018-2019, and think that one of its chemical kinetic questions is wrong. (Or perhaps I am simply missing something). I have attached an image of ...
user53300's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

The "Ostwald Isolation Method": How does this work?

Recently started reading up on Chemical Kinetics, and I came across a certain "Ostwald Isolation Method" that figures in my school-issued workbook. Apparently, it's used to determine (...
paracetamol's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Factors affecting mass of a gas-evolving reaction mixture over time

Excess magnesium was added to a beaker of aqueous hydrochloric acid on a balance. A graph of the mass of the beaker and contents was plotted against time (line 1). What change in the experiment could ...
StopReadingThisUsername's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Finding the average rate of consumption

The question is: If $2.0 \cdot 10^{-4}$ moles of dye in $\pu{50 mL}$ of solution is consumed in 188 seconds, what is the average rate of consumption of dye in $\pu{mol L-1 s-1}$? I am not sure if I ...
Jesse's user avatar
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