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Type of diagram and ordering of bonds used to depict a glucose molecule

I find these type of diagrams easier to consult when building molecules using a 'molecular building kit'. Is there a name for this type of diagram? For the glucose molecule (in the above diagram), I ...
noi.m's user avatar
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8 votes
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Does the Location of Line-Dash-Wedge Notations Matter?

In Line-Dash-Wedge notation, when illustrating that an atom or bond is directed towards or away from the viewer (solid triangle for coming forward, dotted lines for going back), does the location of ...
Westin Johnson's user avatar
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Drawing bonds and delocalised electrons in condensed formulae

The $\LaTeX$ mhchem package provides commands for drawing bonds within condensed chemical formulae. Some of them have a clear allocation to covalent bonds while others have not. Single, double, and ...
Delorian's user avatar
14 votes
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Correctness of writing H3C as opposed to CH3 in a carbon chain

I have been studying alkanes, alkenes & alkynes for a while, and I see in the examples that all the basic structural formulas start with $\ce{CH3}$, then $\ce{CH2}$, and the last carbon atom is $\...
user2522053's user avatar