Currently I investigate a reaction where a starting material A reacts with an excess of thiophenol B towards products C and D. As shown by recurrent TLC analysis of the reaction, the formation of D is slower than the one of C, while A and B are still detectable.
Perhaps the reactions are consecutive, i.e.
$\ce{A + B ->[k_1] C ->[k_2] D}$
or they are simultaneous, i.e.
$\ce{D <-[k_2] A + B ->[k_1] C}$.
A, B, C, and D are distinguishable by 1H NMR spectroscopy; NMR data of the purified compounds A, B, C, and D were recorded successfully.
Based on a recurrent 1H NMR spectroscopy, I would like to use the integrations of the signals to determine the rate constants; perhaps there is evidence for the first case (similar to Bodenstein principle). The advancement of the thioetherifications alter the multiplicities of the signals observed, and simultaneously indicator signals vanish.
Question: Prior to get work on my data, where may I find a tutorial of reactions with known starting material(s)/product(s), determined rate constant(s) and NMR data-used-to-determine-these-rate-constants?