The mole is not a number but the name of an unit: the unit of amount out substance. Amount out substance is the number of elementary entities divided by the Avogadro constant.
IUPAC's related definitions are somewhat recurrent in my opinion.
We can say that the amount of substance of 12 grams of carbon-12 is $1\,mol$.
Molar mass of something is the value of the variable that represents its mass divided by the corresponding to its amount of substance.
Molar volume of something is the value of the variable that represents its volume divided by the corresponding to its amount of substance.
Example: if you have 24 $g$ of carbon-12, its mass is represented by the variable $m = 24 g$. Its amount of substance by $n= 2\,mol$, so the molar mass of your solid is: $m/n = 12\,g\cdot mol^{-1}$.
The mass of an amount of your solid which correspond to 1 $mol$ is 12 $g$, which is different to $12\,g\cdot mol^{-1}$.
You should check IUPAC Gold Book whenever you are in doubt about chemical related definitions.