After more than five years, it seems safe to assume that an explicit answer will no longer serve to furnish the OP with a homework solution, so I will post numerical values for all the steps already given in Curt F.'s answer:
Molality of the solution
The change in boiling temperature is $\pu{1.45 K}$. Together with the boiling point elevation constant, we can calculate the molality of the solution as $\pu{2.83 mol/kg}$.
Concentration of the solution
To figure out the concentration, let's assume we have a solution containing $\pu{1 kg}$ of solvent. So we would have $\pu{2.83 mol}$ or $\pu{0.9694 kg}$ of sucrose. We can get the mass of the solution as the sum of the mass of solvent and solute, and the volume of the solution because we also know the density. The concentration comes out as $\pu{1.49 M}$. If you write down the calculation, you will see that the mass of solvent cancels out, giving you the following relationship between the molality $b$ and the concentration $c$:
$$c = \frac{b \cdot \rho}{1 + M_\mathrm{sucrose} \cdot b}$$
with $M_\mathrm{sucrose}$ the molar mass of sucrose and $\rho$ the density of the solution at the relevant temperature. Density and concentration are temperature-dependent, while molality is not.
Osmotic pressure
The osmotic pressure comes out as $\pu{37.6 atm}$ when you plug in the correct concentration, temperature and the universal gas constant into $\Pi = c R T$.
Step-by-step math
$ΔT = 1.45\ \mathrm{K}$
$k_{\mathrm{b}} = 0.512\ \frac{\mathrm{K}\ \mathrm{kg}}{\mathrm{mol}}$
$b = \dfrac{ΔT}{k_{\mathrm{b}}}$
$\ \ \ =\dfrac{1.45\ \mathrm{K}}{0.512\ \frac{\mathrm{K}\ \mathrm{kg}}{\mathrm{mol}}}$
$\ \ \ =2.83\ \frac{\mathrm{mol}}{\mathrm{kg}}$
$ρ = 1.036\ \frac{\mathrm{kg}}{\mathrm{L}}$
$m_{\mathrm{solvent}}$ $= 1\ \mathrm{kg}$
$c = \dfrac{ρ}{\dfrac{1}{b} + M_{\mathrm{\ce{C12H22O11}}}}$
$\ \ \ =\dfrac{1.036\ \frac{\mathrm{kg}}{\mathrm{L}}}{\dfrac{1}{2.83\ \frac{\mathrm{mol}}{\mathrm{kg}}} + 342.30\ \frac{\mathrm{g}}{\mathrm{mol}}}$
$\ \ \ =\dfrac{1.036\ \frac{\mathrm{kg}}{\mathrm{L}}}{0.3531\ \frac{\mathrm{kg}}{\mathrm{mol}} + 342.30\ \frac{\mathrm{g}}{\mathrm{mol}}}$
$\ \ \ =\dfrac{1.036\ \frac{\mathrm{kg}}{\mathrm{L}}}{0.6954\ \frac{\mathrm{kg}}{\mathrm{mol}}}$
$\ \ \ =1.490\ \frac{\mathrm{mol}}{\mathrm{L}}$
$R = 0.08205\ \frac{\mathrm{atm}\ \mathrm{L}}{\mathrm{K}\ \mathrm{mol}}$
$T = 35.\ \mathrm{°aC}$
$Π = c \cdot R \cdot T$
$\ \ \ =1.490\ \frac{\mathrm{mol}}{\mathrm{L}} \cdot 0.08205\ \frac{\mathrm{atm}\ \mathrm{L}}{\mathrm{K}\ \mathrm{mol}} \cdot 35.\ \mathrm{°aC}$
$\ \ \ =0.12224\ \frac{\mathrm{atm}}{\mathrm{K}} \cdot 308.\ \mathrm{K}$
$\ \ \ =37.7\ \mathrm{atm}$