Consider the reaction $$\ce{aA + bB -> cC + dD}$$ whose reactants are given by A and B and the products are C and D.
Say the activation energy of this reaction is some $x$ joules/mole, But moles of what ( $A$ or $B$ or $C$ or $D$) ?
If I need $x$ joules of energy to react $A$ with $B$ with the correct orientation, To react $a$ moles of $A$, I would need $ax$ Joules of energy, if it was $x$ joules of energy to react $B$ with $A$, I would need $bx$ amount of energy to react $b$ moles of $B$. Since the reaction is the same the amount of energy needed should be constant to react a fixed concentration of reactants. I know I am missing some understanding here.