As a very rough estimation of pressure when the hydrogen redox potential equals zinc standard redox potential, we can use the extrapolation of the Nernst equation:
E^\circ_\ce{Zn/Zn^2+} &= E^\circ_\ce{H2/H+} + \frac{\pu{0.059 V}}{2}
\log\left(\frac{[\ce{H+}]^2}{p_{\ce{H2}}}\right) \tag{1}\\
\log(p_\ce{H2}) &= \left(E^\circ_\ce{H2/H+} - E^\circ_\ce{Zn/Zn^2+}\right) \frac{2}{\pu{0.059 V}} \tag{2}\\
p_\ce{H2} &= 10^{\left(E^\circ_\ce{H2/H+} - E^\circ_\ce{Zn/Zn^2+}\right) \frac{2}{\pu{0.059 V}}} \tag{3}\\
&= \pu{10^{\frac{2\times\pu{0.76 V}}{\pu{0.059 V}}} atm} \\
&\approx \pu{5.8E25 atm}
This extrapolating estimation is not realistic, being far out of validity scope of the Nernst equation. Even pressure many orders lower would make the system very different, everything solid, including hydrogen. $\pu{E25 bar}$ would cause an universal nuclear fusion.
As Loong has noted, the Solar core pressure is $\pu{2.5E11 bar}$. If protons had been fusable directly like deuterium is…
But it gives the clear message the pressure cannot help in reaction reversal.