I've already searched online some information about this equation, but everywhere I read, there's also sulfuric acid, which we did not use in the laboratory. We only used potassium permanganate and oxalic acid and water, there was no sulfuric acid. The purpose of the laboratory was to calculate experimentally the rate of the reaction at different concentrations, but in order to do so, I need the balanced equation. Can anyone help me out?
By the way, the oxalic acid was dihydrate.
If anyone is wondering, one of the experiments was as follows:
First we took $1.5~\pu{mL}$ of $\ce{H2C2O4}$ and added $1.5~\pu{mL}$ of $\ce{H2O}$, and finally, we added $1~\pu{mL}$ of $\ce{KMnO4}$ and then we shook the test tube until the colour changed from purple to ochre. Because from what I read, they said the $\ce{H2SO4}$ was necessary so the reaction takes place, but in the experiment, the reaction did occur and we didn't use it.