Korzhavi and Johanssen 1 performed first-principles calculations on the electronic energy levels of several compounds of copper, hydrogen and oxygen. They find good agreement between derived and experimental properties of stable compounds such as $\ce{Cu2O}$ and correctly predict the instability of other candidate compounds such as $\ce{CuOH}$ and $\ce{CuH2}$.
For $\ce{CuH}$ the calculated density of electron states shows the hydrogen-based 1s states filled, and lower in energy than the copper-based 3d states. This is similar to the oxygen- and hydroxyl-based states in the oxide and hydroxide. The copper hydride result thereby identifies that compound as a metal hydride with positive metal oxidation state.
- Korzhavyi, Pavel & Johansson, Borje. "Thermodynamic properties of copper compounds with oxygen and hydrogen from first principles." Report to Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, Texhnical Report TR-10-30, February 2010. Retrieved 19 June 2022.