Now , In some textbook I have read that orbital is nothing but the shape of electron . s,p,d orbitals etc.
So , after knowing shape of an orbital . I got to know that inside the orbital is an electron and there is a probability of electron to be present in it at specific positions( So , please confirm me if we talk about only one electron inside any one orbital ).
Now , the i am getting infused from textbook after reading that azimuthal Q number does not talk shape of electron but talks about shape of orbital .
Now , it is because I also read that shape of an electron is same as shape of an orbital.
Also , L quantum number tells about at which place the probability electron is 0. That’s what L values tell us .
Does it also tell about shape of orbital ? Also , how does it tell us about sub energy level .
What do these lines here represent.
Please help me in correct here.