If I understand correctly, you want the total electric field at some point $\mathbf{r}$ due to a molecule. This will have at least three components. The first due to the electric field from the nuclei. This can be calculated classically from the field due to point charges. The second due to the dipole moment of a molecule. This can also be calculated completely classically (though you will have to use some electronic structure calculation to get the dipole and direction). Finally, you will need to find the total charge density of the electrons.
The charge density can be found using either DFT or any post-Hartree Fock method such as MP2 or CCSD(T), etc. When using something like MP2, you will get the charge density from the molecular orbitals. You can do this manually, but one code I know of that will give you the relevant information from the HF orbitals is NWChem. You will want to use the dplot command. This allows you to print out electron densities for each orbital using a grid. You will want to use a fine enough grid to capture the actual spatial changes in density. Notice that you also provide limits i x, y, and z. This is because, in principle, the charge density extends to infinity in all directions. Thus, you will want to choose a cutoff where the density is sufficiently small as to be negligible. Then, you can again calculate the field due to the electron density from classical equations which can be found online or in an E&M textbook. You can either calculate the field discretely from the points on the grid, or fit it to some functional form and then do a true integral over the density.
Another way to do this is to use a code which will give you approximate charges per atom from some type of population analysis such as Mulliken charges. You can do this with Gaussian using population keyword. This will aggregate the nuclear charge and the electronic charge into one field. Fair warning, however, Mulliken charges (and all population analyses) are approximate and not even necessarily physical.
There may be other ways to do this from DFT, but I surprisingly cannot find any software packages that do this directly.