
I am currently working on a project and the protocol says the following, "Wash resin 3 times 10 vols of the extract buffer." This is very confusing to me and I am not exactly sure what the 10 vols part means. I tried to look it up, however, the few explanations I found were still confusing. I am new to research, and have not been exposed really to the "lingo".

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Some experimental procedures are only good enough to be chucked at the heads of the people who wrote them for inclarity — your’s is an example. $\endgroup$
    – Jan
    Oct 30, 2016 at 22:09

1 Answer 1


I think you mean "wash resin 3 times with 10 vols of the extract buffer".

Vol means volume strength. It tells you how much of a certain element in milliliters will be RELEASED from a certain substance. In this case, your buffer is supposed to release 10 vol of something. That's all it means.

However, I am surprised about the usage of vol in this context. Volume strength is usually a term directly associated with hydrogen peroxide, and dealing with the release of a certain volume of oxygen.


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