It's very difficult to get accurate information concerning household bleach residues. Imagine, for instance, that you pour pure (or diluted) bleach onto fabric or synthetic foam and let it dry without rinsing (as a scientific experiment). Some sources say: it will totally "vanish" (with air and/or light), leaving water and salt, and some others say it will leave some toxic compounds behind, such as sodium hydroxide (which is added to the bleach to slow its decomposition).
Question 1: Will the bleach only degrade into water and salt ($\ce{NaCl}$), or will it leave other substances? If so, which ones? If the first case is true (i.e., the degradation products are water and salt only), why does the solution still smell like bleach for a long time?
Question 2: If bleach (a base) does leave toxic residue(s), can we use vinegar (an acid) to neutralize it? $(~\ce{OH- + H+}$ should create $\ce{H2O}$)
White vinegar: I'm confused since there is contradictory information on Wikipedia. Some says vinegar will neutralize harmful residues from bleach, while another source says it "could result in much more caustic and dangerous chemicals, such as hypochlorous acid" being produced.
Will an antioxidant such as vitamin C work as neutralizer? (as suggested by Brian)
It seems that everybody agrees about the use of peroxide, bisulfite, metabisulfite or thiosulfite, and sodium thiosulfate to neutralize bleach residues, but I wonder if more common products such as vinegar or vitamin C can be used instead: What do you think about these two? Any other suggestions?
EDIT: I removed the washing example which was confusing since it implied rinsing + I updated my question since I thought bleach was an acid.
Household bleach is, in general, a solution containing 3–8% sodium hypochlorite and 0.01–0.05% sodium hydroxide; the sodium hydroxide is used to slow the decomposition of sodium hypochlorite into sodium chloride and sodium chlorate. wiki
Brian and Drmoishe's answer suggest several ways to way to neutralized bleach but what about the sodium Hydroxide residues? (I check on a french bleach, it shows only on the composition: "3.7% of sodium hypochlorite", nothing else)