Consider a binary azeotropic solution of two volatile components $A, B$. I wanted to try and find out the required concentrations of $A, B$ in the solution in terms of their vapour pressures. I tried using Raoult's Law to do this, but the I got an unexpected answer:
Let the vapour pressure of $A, B$ at the current temperature be $P_A, P_B$, respectively. Let their concentrations be $\chi_A, \chi_B$ and their partial vapour pressures over the solution be $p_A, p_B$.
Then, by Raoult's Law,
$$p_A = P_A\chi_A$$
$$p_B = P_B\chi_B$$
By Dalton's Law of partial pressures, the mole fractions of $A, B$ in the vapor phase are given by $\frac{p_A}{p_A + p_B}$ and $\frac{p_B}{p_A + p_B}$ respectively. Since the solution is azeotropic, these two are equal to their mole fractions in solution.
That is:
$$\frac{P_A\chi_A}{P_A\chi_A + P_B\chi_B} = \chi_A \implies \frac{P_A}{P_B}(1-\chi_A) = \chi_B\tag1$$
$$\frac{P_B}{P_A}(1-\chi_B) = \chi_A \tag2$$
Substituting $(1)$ in $(2)$, yields
$$ \frac{P_B}{P_A}\left(1-\frac{P_A}{P_B}(1-\chi_A)\right) = \chi_A$$
$$ = \frac{P_B}{P_A}-1+\chi_A = \chi_A$$
$$\implies P_B = P_A$$
But there are numerous azeotropes where this condition is not satisfied. How come?