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What is the theoretical justification for state averaging in SA-CASSCF?

According to the molpro manual, section 7.3: In order to compute excited states it is usually best to optimize the energy average for all states under consideration. This avoids root-flipping ...
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How can I save and read the CI vector during CASSCF calculations in Gaussian?

I have searched through the GAUSSIAN 16 manual and have not been able to solve these two related issues: (1) I want to be able to save the CI vector and load it as an initial guess for a different ...
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Charge Transfer and Multireference Methods

I have read in literature that systems that exhibit "high charge-transfer character" are best treated using multireference/multiconfigurational methods. Why is that? What makes such a system ...
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How can I understand if my system has degenerate electronic configuration?

How can I understand if my system has degenerate electronic configuration? I'm running some post-HF methods and in the meanwhile try to understand which is the most accurate method for my system. ...
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