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Is it appropriate to say "solid-in-gas solution" and "liquid-in-gas solution"?

A number of books mention "solid-in-gas" and "liquid-in-gas" types of gaseous solutions. However, for something to dissolve in a gas, it must be in its vapour phase. So, for ...
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Why does gas not liquify at a temperature above the critical temperature no matter how much pressure is applied on it? Why? [duplicate]

My textbook says that critical temperature is the temperature above which a gas cannot be liquified no matter how much pressure we apply on it. But why? What is so special about this 'critical ...
user281837's user avatar
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1 answer

What is inside nanobubbles?

A recent article (ACS Omega 2021, 6, 8021−8027) confirms the stability of nanobubbles with theoretical principles. Nanobubbles, having a size in the range of 50-500 nm, are reported to be metastable, ...
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