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Questions tagged [liquids]

For questions about matter in the liquid phase, or about the concept of the liquid state of matter itself.

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Distinguishing chemicals from unlabelled beakers [closed]

There's been a mishap at the lab! Three unlabelled beakers have been mixed up. The liquids in question are lithium carbonate, potassium hydroxide, and sodium chloride. They are all clear and look ...
Jared Moreno's user avatar
-1 votes
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Calculating the elevation of boiling point when the solute and solvent react

Question: A 10% (w/w) solution of cane sugar has undergone partial inversion according to the reaction: Sucrose + Water → Glucose + Fructose. The boiling point of solution is 100.27°C. (molal ...
CallousCalculus's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why must bubble curve and dew curve meet at azeotropic point?

This question is based on a similar question here, but the answers there didn't address why bubble curve and dew curve must meet at azeotropic point. I have come up with a almost complete qualitative ...
Saksham's user avatar
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Can a fine-grained (thin-layered) eutectic microstructure be formed entirely of solidifying sulfides?

The purpose of this question is mainly to get a better intuition based on examples, so feel free to post any relevant example. Selenide instead of sulfide is also interesting. However, there will also ...
Paul Kolk's user avatar
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Is there a gaseous or liquid precursor to metallic lanthanum?

How to deposit a thin layer of lanthanum metal inside the porous structure of a gel? The gel itself is not going to react with $\ce{La}$ but how to make sure that the byproducts are removable by ...
Paul Kolk's user avatar
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2 answers

Automate electrolysis for hydrogen generation via humidity

I have been having an idea regarding the methodology used for electrolysis. In practice, for electrolysis to occur at all, there needs to be an electrolyte present. This electrolyte generally would ...
Zerhat's user avatar
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3 answers

Search for liquid (Density atleast 1.01g/cm^3) [duplicate]

For an experiment, I need an liquid which is only slightly denser than water but is not a liquid mixed with water. Essentially I need to layer 3 liquids, one of which is water (density: 1.0g/cm^3), ...
Zerhat's user avatar
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5 votes
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Searching for liquids with a high boron density

TLDR: I need a liquid with a high mass density of boron that has several physical properties constraints: Needs to be similar in density and viscosity to water (replacing water in the system). Needs ...
Noam Popper's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does entropy increase on mixing two ideal liquids?

Why does entropy increase when we mix two ideal liquids? In my opinion entropy shouldn't change. Say we have two beakers of equal volume filled with $\ce{H2O(l)}$. I mark them red and blue (the ...
Gauransh's user avatar
1 vote
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Wide temperature range fluids

I am investigating various fluid power compounds for use at high temperatures. I am seeking a material that is liquid around room temperature, or melts at under 300 C, but that remains a stable liquid ...
Austin Fox's user avatar
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Is Liquid Air Safe? [closed]

Does Liquid Air mitigate the asphyxiation risks associated with Liquid Nitrogen? As Oxygen and Nitrogen have marginally different boiling points, do you run the risk of all the nitrogen boiling off ...
19172281's user avatar
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Liquification of ideal solution of two liquids from vapor phase [closed]

A and B form an ideal solution. In a cylinder piston arrangement, $\pu{2.0 mol}$ of vapor of liquid A and $\pu{3 mol}$ of vapor of liquid B are taken at $\pu{300 torr}$ and $T~\pu{K}$. At what ...
om Makadia's user avatar
6 votes
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Paramagnetic liquids at room temperature

So as most inorganic liquids are diamagnetic at room temperature (like water), what are some applications to paramagnetic liquids at room temperature?
Neal Conroy's user avatar
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Question about vapor pressure in solids and liquids

I've been reading about vapor pressure and it's a bit confusing. For example when water is in equilibrium between the solid and liquid phase, my textbook says that the vapor pressure is equal between ...
randomdude's user avatar
-1 votes
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At what temperature is ammonia liquid at 1.5 bars? [closed]

I would like to know at what temperature ammonia condenses from gaseous form into a liquid, at a pressure of 1.5 bars. I know that at normal 1 bar pressure, ammonia is a liquid between -78 and -33 ...
Chemistrynoob's user avatar
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Why causes the curvature of the line in pressure-composition graph?

I have been studying about liquid solutions and came across these graphs. From the first graph it is evident that the solution considered has been assumed ideal as there is no deviation from ideal ...
BlueInfinite1729's user avatar
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Temperature Dependence of Crystal Formation in Storm Glass

The storm glass is an interesting historical device which claims to be able to predict the weather (for example, clear liquid implies fair weather, murky liquid implies rainy weather and large flaky ...
Tom's user avatar
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Why does the vapour pressure not depend on the surface area and volume of a liquid?

My teacher said that vapour pressure is independent of the surface area and volume of a liquid. But I think it should be dependent, because surface area is directly proportional to the evaporation ...
Rohan Singh's user avatar
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Chemical potential and condition for equilibrium in case of binary liquid reaction mixture

Suppose there is a liquid mixture with components A and B in equilibrium along with their vapours. Then with the Gibbs-Duhem equation we know that $$μ_A(\mathrm{liquid}) = μ_A(\mathrm{vapor})$$ and $$...
Abhiraj Ranjan's user avatar
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Colored inorganic liquids: why is SCl2 red, and S2Cl2 orange?

Those do not involve d orbitals, so there is no crystal field theory or ligand theory. Do we have a name of study that only involves p orbitals? Since I think molecular theory is for all s p d f ...
Neal Conroy's user avatar
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Is it easier to produce hydrodynamic cavitation in a liquid close to boiling point?

Cavitation is defined as the process of formation of the vapor phase of a liquid when it is subjected to reduced pressures at constant ambient temperature. Thus, it is the process of boiling in a ...
Oliver Walters's user avatar
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What is the nature of container when talking about Boiling Point of a Liquid [ Vapour Pressure related ]? [closed]

From what I understand, whenever talking about calculating the value of Vapour Pressure we need to take a closed container as there needs to be an equilibrium established {R evaporation = R ...
Paras Gupta's user avatar
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Would it make sense to filter air through oil?

I have seen water-based air purifiers, which work by having air bubble through water supposedly leaving water-soluble molecules behind. I understand that this concept also humidifies the air due to ...
Diydumbster's user avatar
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Additives to increase water density and solubility [closed]

What additives do I need to add to a water-based drink (coffee or tea for example), to increase its density and to make the drink insoluble (like olive oil for example) in salt sea water or inland ...
Florian M's user avatar
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What polyatomic substances have the lowest known freezing points at standard pressure?

At standard pressure, helium never freezes, so that's clearly the coldest liquid—but it's also a monatomic substance. Diatomic hydrogen freezes at 13 K. Neon freezes at 24 K. And then the next coldest ...
Logan R. Kearsley's user avatar
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Why can't there be a gas-dispersed-in-gas colloid? [closed]

Colloids, a special type of heterogeneous mixtures, typically have two components. One is the dispersed phase (DP), which is the "solute-like" part and another one is the dispersion medium (...
user avatar
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Can vapor pressure be defined for permanent gases?

Vapor pressure of a substance, in a given temperature, is the pressure exerted the vapor in a system where the gaseous and liquid phases of the pure substance are in equilibrium. But, if for a ...
user2934303's user avatar
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Is it appropriate to say "solid-in-gas solution" and "liquid-in-gas solution"?

A number of books mention "solid-in-gas" and "liquid-in-gas" types of gaseous solutions. However, for something to dissolve in a gas, it must be in its vapour phase. So, for ...
namish's user avatar
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What is the ∆H_vap when temperature of a given liquid is equal to the boiling point of the liquid?

What is the $∆H_{vap}$ when temperature of a given liquid is equal to the boiling point of the liquid? For the other cases ie (i) T>BP, $∆H_{vap}$ > 0 (ii) T<BP, $∆H_{vap}$ < 0 So what ...
Snehal Saurabh's user avatar
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Vapour pressure and boiling [duplicate]

I have come across two definitions for boiling point: It is the temperature at which a liquid gets vaporised It is the point where vapour pressure = external pressure How are they related? How does ...
Draculin's user avatar
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Looking for gas or liquid for story research

I am working on a story for adaptation into animation. Main lead is a chemist in a traditional fantasy setting. The chemist uses her own compound to battle using fire or explosions. I love the ...
Steven Hanssen's user avatar
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Compare density of halogen substituted benzene rings

The correct decreasing order of densities of the following compounds is : (1) (D) > (C) > (B) > (A) (2) (C) > (D) > (A) > (B) (3) (C) > (B) > (A) > (D) (4) (A) > (B) >...
Jay's user avatar
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A liquid which climbs out of its pot [closed]

My Russian born wife recently asked me to buy her a skin remedy widely used in Russia. In English this is the oil of a plant called Sea Buckthorn. It is a thin yellow liquid. My wife put some of this ...
David Morley's user avatar
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Is there a parameter for degree of ‘mixedness’

So I was making coffee this morning and when mixing some milk into the black coffee, I wondered if there was some parameter or value in chemistry which describes how well mixed two liquids (or gases) ...
arevmelikyan's user avatar
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Why do polar solvents seem to be of lesser viscosity than non-polar ones? [closed]

For instance, in Russian there is an adjective "oily", which means a liquid of high viscosity. Is this assertion even true in general or statistically?
Anixx's user avatar
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Does Raoult's law hold for immiscible liquids?

I know that Raoult's law holds true only for a non volatile solute in a volatile solvent mixture wherein the vapour pressure of the solution gets lowered due to the addition of solute. Now, first of ...
puma's user avatar
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How many boiling points does a mixture of liquids have?

Let's say I have a mixture of two miscible liquids. I want to get the liquids by fractional/pure distillation. My textbook says a mixture boils over a range of temperatures. On the contrary, another ...
NinePlusTenEqualsTwentyOne's user avatar
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Is my bottle of "RooR"-brand glass cleaning liquid pure isopropyl alcohol or something else?

I have this exact bottle: I originally purchased it to clean my vaporizer (I've since stopped ...
M. Reik's user avatar
20 votes
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What is the difference between "vapour" and "gas"?

I have read the definition of vapour on Wikipedia, but I don't seem to have a clear idea about the difference between a vapour and a gas. I know what it means when it says, "gas at a temperature ...
gobbledy-gook's user avatar
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To calculate total vapour pressure of a solution

Question: 1 mole each of A and B were mixed to obtain an ideal solution of which one mole went to the vapour phase at equilibrium. If $P°_\mathrm{A} = \pu{100 torr}$ and $P°_\mathrm{B} = \pu{900 torr}$...
kanishk6103's user avatar
12 votes
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Why does gas not liquify at a temperature above the critical temperature no matter how much pressure is applied on it? Why? [duplicate]

My textbook says that critical temperature is the temperature above which a gas cannot be liquified no matter how much pressure we apply on it. But why? What is so special about this 'critical ...
user281837's user avatar
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Ln2 Dewar Filling [closed]

For cooling of a measurement device (HPGE) i need around 30 Liters of LN2 (Liquid Nitrogen). I'm a hobbyist but, familiar with the basic rules of Ln2 (Eyeshield,Gloves, Ventilation, Pressure Danger) ...
sgt_johnny's user avatar
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How much energy is required to liquify oxygen?

Does anyone know where I can find some documentation of a real-world liquification process, and the energy costs? I can calculate the heat that must be removed from O2 gas to get to liquid, but how ...
dlight's user avatar
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What is inside nanobubbles?

A recent article (ACS Omega 2021, 6, 8021−8027) confirms the stability of nanobubbles with theoretical principles. Nanobubbles, having a size in the range of 50-500 nm, are reported to be metastable, ...
James Gaidis's user avatar
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Cooling down from −78 °C to −88 °C without cryogenics

Say I have a gas cylinder with nitrous oxide and cool it down to −78 °C with dry ice. Is there an endothermic process/reaction that would extract the remaining heat from $\ce{N2O}$ and bring it down ...
Kozuch's user avatar
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What pressure does liquid nitrous oxide need at −45 °C?

What pressure does liquid nitrous oxide need at −45 °C to remain liquid? How can I calculate its pressure required for other temperatures?
Kozuch's user avatar
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Why is liquid mercury conductive if you do not have the lattice periodicity to describe the collective behavior of conducting electrons? [duplicate]

We have electric conductivity in metal because the regularity and interaction in a crystal allow for the creation of conduction bands. We should not find these bands in mercury so how could liquid ...
Daniel Martineau's user avatar
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Confusion in barometer experiment

Now at A, there is pressure by mercury column which is nothing but it's weight. Then, at C there is pressure which is atmospheric pressure. Also, the density at A is more than at C. What they say ...
Srijan's user avatar
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Energy bands in Liquid [closed]

In solid, energy bands means the 1s orbital with spin up and down become 3 states when there are 3 atoms. But then. If you look at hydrogen atoms, the allowed bound states have energies equal to En=Ry/...
Jtl's user avatar
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Is it possible to have three stable liquid phases in a binary mixture?

With this system, it would be possible to have three liquid phases and two liquid-liquid coexistence regions at various compositions. Similar behaviour is common for solids such as alloys, sometimes ...
Bence Balázs's user avatar