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Saponification - Oil and Alcohol?

I've been reading that a saponification reaction typically involves NaOH or KOH. I was wondering - could anything that contains an OH group cause a saponification reaction? For instance, coconut oil + ...
user267587's user avatar
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Does double ended fatty acid exist? [duplicate]

A fatty acid consists of a carbon chain, with a carboxylic acid on one end, and just a hydrogen on the other. Does a substance with two carboxylic acid ends and no hydrogen end exist?
Volker Siegel's user avatar
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Is omega 3 a specific fatty acid?

Is eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) omega 3 or that's just a acid that comes with a omega 3? Same question for docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Just want to know are both of those two acid omega 3 despite ...
Luka Zec's user avatar
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Gelatination of solution in saponification

When I performed a saponification experiment in school, I added some ethanol to the solution (glycerol ester fatty acid + sodium hydroxide) to change the equilibrium of the reaction. (Molecules of ...
손현서's user avatar
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What happens when C17H35COO-, a soap, reacts with an acidic solution?

My book says that- In acidic water, the negative fatty acid ions become fatty acids. However, they did not include a chemical equation to demonstrate this, so I made my own: $$\ce{C17H35COO- (aq)...
Ali Mustafa's user avatar
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'Hard' soap vs. 'Soft' soap: Why do they work this way?

In school, we did an experiment using fat and $\ce{KOH}$ to create 'soft' soap. Afterwards, we added $\ce{NaOH}$ to change it into 'hard' soap. I read on multiple places on the internet that the ...
Qqwy's user avatar
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