As an artist, some of the work I do involves the use of seashells, sea rocks/stones, etc. I picked up a black rock from shore at one of the beaches here in Florida and it looked somewhat clumpy with other rocks and debris encrusted on it. As I do with everything I collect, I thoroughly washed all the rocks with fresh water and then placed them in a bucket filled with water and a good dose of bleach.
After drying the rocks, I noticed that the black one had small, reddish, powdery pimples all over it. It looked odd, so I broke the rock in half with a hammer,but there was nothing red inside. It actually looked like carbon, but the rock isn't brittle or powdery. I stuck the two halves back in a bucket, filled it half way with water, and them put more bleach in it. The water turned dark, almost muddy, and a reddish, almost gelatinous precipitate appeared and it was quite a bit of it. Any idea what the heck is in that rock that can cause that? I didn't notice any odor other than the bleach, albeit the rock did smell a bit sulfury. Any idea what I have soaking in the bucket?