I was trying to make Calcium metal by electrolyzing molten $\ce{CaCl_2}$. I used a stainless steel spoon and a thick steel wire as electrodes. Then I attached them to a power supply. I placed some $\ce{CaCl_2}$ in the spoon and melted with a gas torch. I then placed the steel electrode in the molten pool and gradually pulled it out. A black glassy substance formed on the rod. I ran water over it and it fizzed as I would expect from Calcium metal, however, when it was exposed to air for a period of time it start to "melt"
as it absorbed moisture from the air. As I was breaking it off of the electrode, it shattered and I could see that it was the glassy substance all the way through.
I am trying to figure out what I have made. Could it possibly be a mixture of unreacted $\ce{CaCl_2}$ and a small amount of Calcium?