I'm doing a high school/sixth form college investigation of the kinetics between magnesium ribbon and hydrochloric acid. I have obtained a rate order was $1.5$ with reference to $[\ce{H+}]$ and hence the rate equation is
$$\mathrm{rate} = k[\ce{H+}]^{1.5}.\tag{1}$$
How does this fractional order correlate with the mechanism?
I remember my teacher once telling me that a fractional rate order just means that there is an intermediate stage and each step has its own rate order which contributes to the rate equation:
$$\ce{A ->[$x$] B ->[$y$] C}$$ $$x + y = n$$ $$\mathrm{rate} = k[\ce{A}]^n.\tag{2}$$
Is this right? Also, what would this mean for my rate-determining step? If the above is true, what would I choose as the RDS if they both contribute a different amount to the rate order?