Considering a wide variety of chromatographic columns used for (U)HPLC based on
- phase type (normal or reverse);
- column dimensions (geometry, length, inner diameter);
- particle material $(\ce{SiO2},$ $\ce{ZrO2},$ $\ce{TiO2},\ldots),$ size, shape and porosity;
- dopants/modifiers etc.,
as well as proprietary manufacturing techniques involved, is there a narrowed-down list of the bare-minimum column types that every analytical lab doing specifically liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry must have to cover the majority of the analytical routines (qualitative and quantitative analysis of short-chain fatty acids, primary metabolites, amino acids etc.)?
Background: a new LC-MS/MS lab is being created within a university's biochemistry division from the ground up both for the fundamental research and providing analytical services, so listing the most versatile and recent columns would be appreciated. I do realize the question is borderline off-topic being somewhat opinion-based, so it would be nice if the answer were based on a trustworthy source.