I am currently conducting an experiment into the glucose content of certain sports drinks. However, I have hit a roadblock. A majority of the drinks that I intend to test, contain sucrose. I am thinking that by adding $\pu{1.0M~ HCl}$, to say, $\pu{100mL}$ of solution (sports drink), it will decompose the sucrose into its constituents. I'm planning to use Benedict's solution and a spectroscope in order to determine the amount of glucose present in solution (I'm going to add activated charcoal to the solution to remove the coloring from it before placing in the spectroscope). As a high school student I only have limited resources.
So my question is,
Assuming there is 10 grams of sucrose per $\pu{100mL}$ of solution, what volume of $\pu{1.0M~ HCl}$ would be required to completely break apart sucrose into glucose and fructose?
Would I have to use stoichiometry to find the amount?
So far I know I have $\ce{C12H22O11 + HCl}$, What happens to the $\ce{Cl}$ from $\ce{HCl}$ when fructose and glucose is formed?