Propene in the presence of $\ce{HBr}$ and $\ce{H2O2}$ gives A.
A on reaction with $\ce{Mg}$ in dry ether gives B.
B on reaction with acetamide, $\ce{CH3C(O)NH2}$, gives C.
In the above question, I got A as 1-bromopropane and B as propylmagnesium bromide. As for C, I got
$$\ce { CH3-CH2-CH3 + CH3C(=O)NHMgBr}$$
The ratio of moles of the Grignard reagent vs. acetamide is not specified. Should I add an additional propyl Grignard and arrive at $\ce{CH3-CH2-CH3}$, $\ce{CH4}$, and $\ce{ CH3C(OH)N(MgBr)2}$ ?
I need help with figuring out the product in the reaction of B and acetamide.